MyBB анти-спам плагин

Без капчи, вопросов, подсчета животных, пазлов и арифметических задач


Ваша информация защищена на 100% и не будет передаваться третьим лицам.

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Make it right

Anti-Spam Features. CleanTalk protects your website from spam bots and spam

Invisible for visitors — No captcha (reCaptcha) puzzles, etc.

Users hate captcha. Unreadable CAPTCHA stops about 80% of site visitors. After 2 failed attempts to decipher CAPTCHA 95% of visitors reject further attempts.

Improved Anti-Spam logic

CleanTalk team has developed unique anti-spam algorithms to assess visitors behavior. Every day we analyze parameters of new spam bots to keep your site safe.

MyBB Anti-Spam Features

MyBB Anti-Spam protects from spam: new user registrations and posts/themes using a series of checks to filter spam posts.

Daily and weekly detailed anti-spam reports

The Detailed report gives you a detailed information about all processed requests and displays a table with data organized by a number of allowed and blocked comments/registrations and SpamFireWall count.

Blocking users by country

Many websites are simply not relevant to people in other countries. If you site is not intended for an international audience and you do not expect comments/users from other countries so, country blocking is an effective way to stop spam attack.

Private blacklists for Anti-Spam service

Anti-Spam will automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP/email address list. This option helps to strengthen the spam protection from a manual spam or block unwanted comments from users.
You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.

Spam attacks log

CleanTalk records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log for up to 45 days.
The log gives you a detailed information about each request for a time period and includes data/time, IP/email and all necessary information in the details — block reason, a body of the message, additionally caught data.
You will never lose your message when user filled wrong fields from because service will storage all of your requests in the Cloud.

Blocking comments by "Stop Words"

You can block comments which contain "stop words" to enhance spam protection and messages with obscene words blocking. You can add particular words or phrases.

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Growth of registrations/visitors
Convenient registration/commenting forms increase the number of registrations. Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation to increase your conversion rate.
Save time and resources
Our service allows you to focus your time on developing and improving the website and business, without being distracted by extraneous tasks.
Visitor loyalty
Your visitors are more loyal and not annoyed guessing characters or puzzles. They become your regular visitors.
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