How to Use the CleanTalk APIs to Work With the Website Settings

The API interface is available here:


General Information   

API services_templates_get

API services_templates_add

API services_templates_update 

API services_templates_delete  

API services_templates_set 

General Information

Protocol - https

Hostname -

API services_templates_get

Input Parameters

Transfer parameters methods GET or POST.


method_name allowed values: services_templates_get

user_token or auth_key allowed values: user_token (you can get it in your profile settings in your CleanTalk Control Panel), auth_key (you can use it from any of your active licenses of the Anti-Spam Service or Security Service).



search[field] uses field for searching, available values of field:

  • template_id - integer, template ID
  • product_id - integer, product ID, allowed values: 1 - Anti-Spam, 4 - Website Security
  • name - string, template name, full or partial matching
  • created - string, creation date, exact matching. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s 
  • created[gte] - string, creation date of the beginning of the time period. Format: Y-m-d
  • created[lte] - string, creation date of the end of the time period. Format: Y-m-d
  • updated - string, update date, exact matching. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s
  • updated[gte] - string, update date of the beginning of the time period. Format: Y-m-d
  • updated[lte] - string, update date of the end of the time period. Format: Y-m-d
  • service_id_last_used - integer, the latest service ID that was used to apply the template on
  • set_as_default - integer, is it a default template? Allowed values: 0 - no, 1 - yes.
  • options_cloud - integer, does your Control Panel keep these settings? Allowed values: 0 - no, 1 - yes.
  • options_site - integer, does your website keep these settings? Allowed values: 0 - no, 1 - yes.

start position of the first record of the list, by default is 0

length how many records in the response, by default is 0 (no limits are set).

order[0][dir] sorting direction of the records in the list, allowed values: asc, desc

order[0][column] field index the sorting is based on

columns[0][data] field name of record sorting, allowed values: template_id, product_id, name, created, updated, service_id_last_used, set_as_default

draw arbitrary value, it will be sent in the response for asynchronous requests.


Output Parameters

recordsTotal total number of records

recordsFiltered total number of records after the filters were applied

draw arbitrary value, being taken from the input parameters

operation_status what the operation status is, allowed values: SUCCESS, FAILED

operation_message error message

data array of records:

  • template_id record ID
  • product_id product type
  • name template name
  • options_cloud setting from your Control Panel
  • options_site setting from your website
  • created when the record was created
  • updated when the record was updated
  • service_id_last_used the latest service ID that was used to apply the template on
  • user_id client ID
  • set_as_default is it a default template?


{"draw":1,"recordsTotal":3,"recordsFiltered":3,"data":[{"template_id":108,"product_id":1,"name":"for_antispam","options_cloud":"{"response_lang":"es","stop_list_enable":"0","move_to_spam_enable":"1","allow_links_enable":"1","send_log_to_email":"1","server_response":null,"server_response_combine":"0","logging_restriction":"1"}","options_site":"","created":"2021-02-26 17:27:13","updated":"2021-02-26 17:27:13","service_id_last_used":null,"user_id":577205,"set_as_default":1},{"template_id":110,"product_id":4,"name":"for_security","options_cloud":"{"notify_admin_login":"1","auto_whitelist_owner_ip":"1","ct_in_list_db":"1","2fa_enable":"0","backend_logs_enable":"1"}","options_site":"","created":"2021-02-26 17:42:41","updated":"2021-02-26 17:42:41","service_id_last_used":null,"user_id":577205,"set_as_default":1}],"operation_message":"","operation_status":"SUCCESS"}

Possible Errors

  • Unknown access key.
  • User token not found
  • Service disabled, please go to Dashboard Wrong start
  • Too big start
  • Wrong length
  • Wrong columns
  • Wrong order
  • Wrong columns or order

API services_templates_add

Input Parameters

Transfer parameters methods GET or POST.


method_name allowed values: services_templates_add

auth_key allowed values: auth_key (you can use it from any of your active licenses of the Anti-Spam Service or Security Service. Your template will be created for the respective service).

name allowed values: a unique string with the length of no more than 127 symbols



options_cloud settings from your Control Panel, if this parameter wasn’t transferred then the settings will be taken from the service your auth_key belongs to

options_site settings from your website, if this parameter wasn’t transferred then the settings will be taken from the service your auth_key belongs to

set_as_default is it a default settings template?


Output Parameters

data array of records:

  • template_id record ID
  • product_id product type
  • created when the record was created
  • updated when the record was updated
  • operation_status was the operation successful, allowed values: SUCCESS, FAILED
  • operation_message error message


{"data":[{"template_id":7,"product_id":4,"created":"2021-03-25 09:05:35","updated":"2021-03-25 09:05:35","operation_status":"SUCCESS","operation_message":""}]}

Possible Errors

  • Unknown access key.
  • Service disabled, please go to Dashboard Wrong start
  • Please fill in the name
  • Data too long for name
  • The name must be unique
  • Please fill in the options_cloud or optoins_site
  • Wrong options_cloud
  • Wrong options_cloud in template.
  • Wrong optoins_site
  • Too many templates

API services_templates_update

Input Parameters

Transfer parameters methods GET or POST.


method_name allowed values: services_templates_update

auth_key allowed values: auth_key (you can use it from any of your active licenses of the Anti-Spam Service or Security Service. Your template will be created for the respective service).

template_id allowed values: template ID for update


(at least one parameter must be transferred)

name allowed values: a unique string with the length of no more than 127 symbols

options_cloud settings from your Control Panel

options_site settings from your website

set_as_default is it a default settings template?


Output Parameters

data array of records:

  • template_id record ID
  • operation_status was the operation successful, allowed values: SUCCESS, FAILED
  • operation_message error message



Possible Errors

  • Unknown access key.
  • Service disabled, please go to Dashboard Wrong start
  • Wrong template_id
  • Template not found
  • Please fill in the name or options_cloud or options_site or set_as_default
  • Wrong name
  • Data too long for name
  • The name must be unique
  • Wrong options_cloud
  • Wrong options_cloud in template.
  • Wrong options_site
  • This method does not support service by authkey

API services_templates_delete

Input Parameters

Transfer parameters methods GET or POST.


method_name allowed values: services_templates_update

user_token or auth_key allowed values: user_token (you can get it in your profile settings in your CleanTalk Control Panel), auth_key (you can use it from any of your active licenses of the Anti-Spam Service or Security Service).

template_ids allowed values: array of template IDs or a string of template IDs separated by commas.


Output Parameters

data array of records:

  • number_of_delete_templates ID of the deleted record
  • operation_status was the operation successful, allowed values: SUCCESS, FAILED
  • operation_message error message


{"data":[{"number_of_delete_templates":1,"operation_status":"SUCCESS","operation_message":"","operation_code":""},{"number_of_delete_templates":2,"operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Template not found","operation_code":21}]}

Possible Errors

  • Unknown access key.
  • User token not found
  • Service disabled, please go to Dashboard Wrong start
  • Wrong template_ids
  • Wrong template_ids. Array of integer

API services_templates_set

Input Parameters

Transfer parameters methods GET or POST.


method_name allowed values: services_templates_set

user_token or auth_key allowed values: user_token (you can get it in your profile settings in your CleanTalk Control Panel), auth_key (you can use it from any of your active licenses of the Anti-Spam Service or Security Service).

services_ids allowed values: array of service IDs or a string of service IDs separated by commas.

template_id allowed values: template ID.

mode settings type, allowed values: 

  • CLOUD - apply settings to your Control Panel only
  • SITE - apply settings to your website only
  • BOTH - apply settings to both


Output Parameters

data array of records:

  • number_of_set_services ID of the modified service
  • operation_status was the operation successful, allowed values: SUCCESS, FAILED
  • operation_message error message


{"data":[{"number_of_set_services":840411,"operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Wrong product_id","operation_code":21},{"number_of_set_services":843291,"operation_status":"SUCCESS","operation_message":"","operation_code":""}]}

Possible Errors

Unknown access key.

User token not found

Service disabled, please go to Dashboard Wrong start

Wrong services_ids

Wrong services_ids. Array of integer

Wrong template_id

Wrong mode

Empty options_cloud

Wrong options_cloud in template.

Empty options_site



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