How to Use Anti-Spam Log
- Usage of the anti-spam log
- About notices "Excluded from spam filters"
- About the list of visited URLs of your visitors
- Usage of the SpamFireWall log
1. Make sure that you are in your Anti-Spam Dashboard. Choose "Anti-Spam" in the "Services" menu:
2. Go to your Anti-Spam Log in the Anti-Spam Dashboard:
3. You are on the Anti-Spam Log page now:
The following possibilities are available for you in the Anti-Spam Log:
A — Time period for all spam records you want to see.
B — Filter spam records by their status: Any status, Denied, Approved.
C — Filter spam records by your websites.
E — Filter spam records by IP address, e-mail address or username. Please, note that you can use a search by e-mail address using a mask. There are a few rules on how to do this. All the examples contain square brackets [] for easy understanding, you should not use them in your expression:
- The basic mask is [*@*.*]. The expression must contain at least one [@] symbol, at least one [.] symbol, several [*] symbols and expressions you want to find.
- To mask any number of any symbols use the symbol [*]. Following this, expression [*john*@*.*] will find every email address contains the phrase "john", independent of position in the name part. Addresses [] and [] will be found using expression [*john*@*.*]
- If you want to find a phrase at the start or at the end of the name part, use expressions [john*@*.*] and [*john@*.*].
- The same rules work for domains and subdomains. Search rules can be combined, for example, the expression [*john*@*is*.*u] will find addresses [] and [].
F — Filter spam records by IP/email frequency.
G — Filter spam records by page URL.
H — Filter spam records by type: Registration, Order, Search, etc.
I — Available options for a specific record:
- Details — see item 4 below.
- Spam/Not Spam — press this string if our system made a wrong decision and blocked or approved a registration, a comment or a contact form submission. More about it here:
- Delete — delete a record permanently.
- To Personal black & white lists — go to your website Personal Lists page.
You can also see this notice for some records: "Excluded from spam filters". These requests weren't checked by the Anti-Spam Service, reasons are the following:
• These are POST requests attempting to post spam. Bots make requests with a certain template for specific website forms and this template might not match your website form or your page doesn't have any forms at all. It means that the requests from the bots were sent in vain and weren't received by your website as spam.
• The option "Don't check trusted user's comments" is enabled for your website. If your website visitor has 3 or more approved comments on your website then any future requests from that user will be ignored by the anti-spam, however, we are logging such requests to take into account possible manual spam, also, you can disable this option in the CleanTalk plugin if you want.
4. Record details:
There is all necessary information in the details — block reason, a body of the message, form validation results, additional caught data. Please, note that Sender URL field is taken from the Website field from some standard comments forms. For example WordPress comment form:
This field can be empty if a visitor didn't fill the Website field or if a visitor was a spammer blacklisted by IP or email (there is no need in additional tests in this case).
If you have questions about a particular record then send us its CleanTalk ID with your questions via our Ticket System here:
5. Go to your SpamFireWall Log in the Anti-Spam Dashboard:
6. You are on the SpamFireWall Log page now:
The following possibilities are available for you in the SpamFireWall Log:
- Site — choose a website.
- Time Period — choose period of time for all spam records you want to see.
- Choose Country — filter spam records by country they came from.
- Search by IP — show all spam records for a specific IP address.
List of Visited URLs of Your Visitors
(For the WordPress Plugin Only)
You can store the visited links of your visitors before they posted something on your website. It could help you to understand what pages are popular and where your visitors come from to your website.
To enable this option, please, do the following:
- WordPress Admin Page —> Settings —> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk —> Advanced settings —> tick the option "Store Visited URLs" —> Save Changes.
Now your Anti-Spam Dashboard will store the visited links of your visitors. To see them, do the following:
1. Log into your Anti-Spam Dashboard:
2. Click the link "Log" under the name of your website.
3. Click the link "Details" in any row of any request.
4. You will be able to see the source and the list of URLs of the visitor in addition to other details of the post.