Email Checker - Make sure that email is real

How Is It Helpful for webmasters, website owners, Email Marketing Services

Emails still stay the most reliable and most popular way to contact your clients. Emails are being used everywhere — sign ups and registrations, comments, website news subscriptions and so on. But besides the usual visitors, emails could be used by spammers, they use both real emails addresses and fake ones. This fact brings certain risks to any online business.
While planning an email marketing campaign, you have to be sure that your list of email addresses is correct.

  1. Real emails weren't used by spammers. If it's the case then the email owner can report your mailing list.
  2. Real email belongs to a spammer — you wasted your money, your letter won't be read.
  3. Non-existent email — you have risks to be blacklisted.

All this could lead to problems: black lists, low rate of delivery, your letters could go directly to "Spam" folders.

According to the CleanTalk statistics, about 30% of email addresses that were used to spam websites are fake.

Non-existing email addresses also entail several other problems for website owners:

  • You can never contact them by email,
  • The client will never receive any notifications from you (account activation letter, password recovery, email distribution, notifications, etc.),
  • If you use email marketing for your clients, then a large number of nonexistent emails in the mailing list may result in your IP address being added to various blacklists of email servers.

CleanTalk email verification tool actually connects to the mail server and checks whether an email exists or not. Don't risk your reputation.

Each CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin supports Email Existence Verification in real-time.

CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugins.

You can also use bulk verification of email addresses for existence.

The email list will be checked according to the CleanTalk database. As a result, you will receive a list of checked email addresses, their spam status and exist or not. If some of emails have a status (-), it means that this email doesn't have any status/record in our database and in this case you should check it separately on this page. Our guide "How to use bulk check".