bbPress Spam Scanner by CleanTalk


CleanTalk bbPress spam scanner is an add-on for CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin and extends its capabilities. The plugin is designed to help you find and move to trash all existing bbPress spam topics.


The plugin scans all bbPress topics and checks the author parameters through the CleanTalk database. After scanning, you will receive a list of all found spam topics and you can choose which of them to move to the trash or move them all at once.


How to install CleanTalk bbPress spam scanner


1. Make sure you have installed and activated the Anti-Spam by CleanTalk plugin and the bbPress plugin. Also, check if the access key is set up in the Anti-Spam plugin settings.


Check before setup


2. Proceed to the WordPress admin dashboard and select the "Plugins" tab. Then press the "Add new" button.


Add new


3. Enter "bbPress cleantalk" in the keywords field and press "Find". You should see the content like on the photo. Click the "Install" button on the "CleanTalk bbPress spam scanner" cell.


Add new


5. Then activate the plugin.




How to run the CleanTalk bbPress spam scanner


1. Proceed to the WordPress admin dashboard and select the "Comments" tab. Then click on "Find bbPress spam".


Find Spam


2. When the interface is loaded, press "Start check".




3. Now you can see the result. Select the records you want to trash out and throw them away using bulk actions.




4. All the selected records are moved to the trash folder. See them in the bbPress topics tab:


Topics cleared



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