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Previous version

Due to the official Joomla 2.5 support ending, this module has been discontinued. If you're using Joomla 3.x, please install this module.

CleanTalk Anti-Spam set up on Joomla 2.5


Anti-Spam plugin for Joomla 2.5

Click to open the spoiler


  • Keep Anti-Spam logs for 45 days
  • Blocking visitors by country
  • Blocking by stop-words
  • Blocking by language
  • Custom server response
  • Form Validation Notice
  • Additional email address for notifications about spam events
  • Delegating access to the CleanTalk Dashboard
  • Anti-Spam Event Log
  • Checking email for existence
  • Filtering disposable emails
  • Notifications about filtering events on the site


  • Personal black and white lists for Anti-Spam service
  • Check existing users and comments for spam
  • Manage spam comments
  • Protection of contact forms, registration forms, comments
  • RSForms Protection
  • JComments Protection

SpamFireWall Option:

  • Personal SpamFireWall Black & White Lists


Installation Guide

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard

  1. Make a backup of the site files and database!
  2. Download the plugin.
  3. Select archive with plugin and run installation in the menu Extensions -> Install / Uninstall

Joomla Anti-Spam plugin install

Go to plugin settings: Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. In plugin settings press "Get access key automatically" button. Admin email will be used for registration.

Joomla Anti-Spam plugin options

If an error occurs, click the link to get a key manually. Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

Joomla Anti-Spam plugin options

Enter key in its field, save settings.

Joomla Anti-Spam plugin options

Write a dummy comment, dummy registration, or dummy contact message with email You should see the plugin respond, like in the screenshot.

Joomla spam registration block

JComments spam block

Joomla spam block

To test if SpamFireWall is working just add /?sfw_test_ip= to your site name. Example www.yoursitename.domain/?sfw_test_ip= (you must see blocking screen)

Attention! You should test SFW with incognito mode switched on. To enable incognito mode press Ctrl+Shift+N for Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers; press Ctrl+Shift+P for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.


Exclusions for some pages of sites

Open the file "custom_config.php" from directory /plugins/system/antispambycleantalk
There are lines:

Exclusion for URL:

// Exclude urls from spam_check. List them separated by commas

private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = '';

Exclusion for fields:

//Excludes fields from filtering. List them separated by commas

private $cleantalk_fields_exclusions = '';

For example: If you need to except these URLs:


You should add this:

private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = 'some';

Make note, that you can add multiple URLs separated by commas:

private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = 'Url1','Url2','Url3';


How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:



Congratulations. Anti-Spam is installed!


Please go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
Please check your email to get account password.



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