Due to the official Joomla 2.5 support ending, this module has been discontinued. If you're using Joomla 3.x, please install this module.
CleanTalk Anti-Spam set up on Joomla 2.5
Anti-Spam plugin for Joomla 2.5
- Keep Anti-Spam logs for 45 days
- Blocking visitors by country
- Blocking by stop-words
- Blocking by language
- Custom server response
- Form Validation Notice
- Additional email address for notifications about spam events
- Delegating access to the CleanTalk Dashboard
- Anti-Spam Event Log
- Checking email for existence
- Filtering disposable emails
- Notifications about filtering events on the site
- Personal black and white lists for Anti-Spam service
- Check existing users and comments for spam
- Manage spam comments
- Protection of contact forms, registration forms, comments
- RSForms Protection
- JComments Protection
SpamFireWall Option:
- Personal SpamFireWall Black & White Lists
Installation Guide
Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard
- Make a backup of the site files and database!
- Download the plugin.
- Select archive with plugin and run installation in the menu Extensions -> Install / Uninstall
Go to plugin settings: Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. In plugin settings press "Get access key automatically" button. Admin email will be used for registration.
If an error occurs, click the link to get a key manually. Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.
Enter key in its field, save settings.
Write a dummy comment, dummy registration, or dummy contact message with email stop_email@example.com. You should see the plugin respond, like in the screenshot.
To test if SpamFireWall is working just add /?sfw_test_ip= to your site name. Example www.yoursitename.domain/?sfw_test_ip= (you must see blocking screen)
Attention! You should test SFW with incognito mode switched on. To enable incognito mode press Ctrl+Shift+N for Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers; press Ctrl+Shift+P for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
Exclusions for some pages of sites
Open the file "custom_config.php" from directory /plugins/system/antispambycleantalk
There are lines:
Exclusion for URL:
// Exclude urls from spam_check. List them separated by commas
private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = '';
Exclusion for fields:
//Excludes fields from filtering. List them separated by commas
private $cleantalk_fields_exclusions = '';
For example: If you need to except these URLs:
- example.com/some/thing
- example.com/some/one
- example.com/some/body
You should add this:
private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = 'some';
Make note, that you can add multiple URLs separated by commas:
private $cleantalk_url_exclusions = 'Url1','Url2','Url3';
How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard
Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard: https://cleantalk.org/help/add-website
Congratulations. Anti-Spam is installed!