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CleanTalk Anti-Spam Setup on MediaWiki 

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard



MediaWiki 1.32 and older.


  • Download the archive.
  • Unzip the archive and extract the Antispam folder to MEDIAWIKI_ROOT/extensions/
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your MEDIAWIKI_ROOT/LocalSettings.php

require_once "$IP/extensions/Antispam/Antispam.php";

  • Fill the Access key in MEDIAWIKI_ROOTe/extenstions/Antispam/Antispam.php


$wgCTAccessKey = 'ACCESS_KEY';


Make a test registration with this email address: stop_email@example.comMediawiki spam registration block

Congratulations. Anti-spam is installed!


MediaWiki 1.33 and newer.


  • Download the archive.
  • Unzip the archive and extract Antispam folder to MEDIAWIKI_ROOT/extensions/
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your MEDIAWIKI_ROOT/LocalSettings.php
wfLoadExtension( 'Antispam' );
  • Fill the Access key in MEDIAWIKI_ROOTe/extenstions/Antispam/extension.json


  "CTAccessKey": {

       "value": "YOUR_KEY"


Make a test registration with this email address: stop_email@example.comMediawiki spam registration block

Congratulations. Anti-Spam is installed!



CleanTalk SpamFireWall setup


The CleanTalk SpamFireWall manages and filters all inbound HTTP traffic to protect web sites from spam bots and to reduce the load on the web servers.

For MediaWiki 1.32 and older:

  • Open file "/extensions/Antispam/Antispam.php"
  • Find the parameter: "$wgCTSFW = false" and change setting false on true.


For MediaWiki 1.33 and newer:

  • Open file "/extensions/Antispam/extension.json"
  • Find the parameter: "CTSFW": { "value": false and change setting false on true.

To test if SpamFireWall is working just add /?sfw_test_ip= to your site name. Example www.yoursitename.domain/?sfw_test_ip= (you must see blocking screen)

Attention! You should test SFW with incognito mode switched on. To enable incognito mode press Ctrl+Shift+N for Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers; press Ctrl+Shift+P for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.


Description of the plugin settings


 Examples are for MediaWiki 1.32 and older. Options in file "/extensions/Antispam/Antispam.php". For MediaWiki 1.33 and newer options will be in file "/extensions/Antispam/extension.json" and will not have $wg at the beginning (for example $wgCTCheckNoConnect will be equal CTCheckNoConnect in the newer versions).

$wgCTCheckNoConnect = true/false;

Check registrations, when there are errors with connection to service:

  • true - option enabled;
  • false - option disabled.


$wgCTServerURL = '';

URL to CleanTalk Cloud.


$wgCTShowLink = true;

Show link to CleanTalk: enabling this option places a small link under the comment form that lets others know what Anti-Spam tool protects your site.


$wgCTNewEditsOnly = true/false;
  • check new edits only;
  • check all edits or new edits only.


$wgCTMinEditCount = 10;

Minimal edits count to skip edit checking. Checking will be skipped for users with getEditCount() more than this value.
Note: It doesn'f affect when $wgCTNewEditsOnly == true


$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['cleantalk-bypass'] = true;

Skip edit test for Administrators.


How to Add a Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:

Please go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
Please check your inbox to get your account password.



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