CleanTalk Anti-Spam setup on MODX

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard

1.       Go to your website manager panel. Find "Extras" section in the upper menu, choose "Installer".

MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


2.       Click "Select a Provider" from a drop-down list.


ModX select provider


Choose official provider


ModX Extras provider


3.       Click "Download Extras"


Modx download extras button


Search for "cleantalk" (1) then click "Download" (2).


Cleantalk Anti-Spam module download


4.       Click "Back to Package Management".


ModX packages search


5.       Click "Install" antispambycleantalk.


MODX Anti-Spam plugin install




MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


"OK"  after install 


MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


6.       Go to Configuration section –>   "System Settings".


MODX Anti-Spam plugin configure


Fill with "cleantalk" in filter field and press Enter. Copy and paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard to antispambycleantalk.api_key and check plugin status (must be "Yes").


MODX Anti-Spam plugin options



You can add exclusions for URLs if you need it (antispambycleantalk.exclusions_url option).  For example, to exclude URL you should enter category/ajax.php.


7.       Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail The CleanTalk message must be shown.


MODX spam block

Manual Installation

Open Manual Installation Instruction

1.       Download the archive.

2.       Copy downloaded file to "/core/packages".

3.       Go to your website manager panel. Find "Extras" section in the upper menu, choose "Installer".

MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


4.       Choose "Search Locally for Packages" from drop-down list


MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


and click "Yes".


 MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


5.       Click "Install" antispambycleantalk.


MODX Anti-Spam plugin install




MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


"OK"  after install 


MODX Anti-Spam plugin install


6.       Go to Configuration section –>   "System Settings".


MODX Anti-Spam plugin configure


Fill with "cleantalk" in filter field and press Enter. Copy and paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard to antispambycleantalk.api_key and check plugin status (must be "Yes").


MODX Anti-Spam plugin options



You can add exclusions for URLs if you need it (antispambycleantalk.exclusions_url option).  For example, to exclude URL you should enter category/ajax.php.


7.       Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail The CleanTalk message must be shown.


MODX spam block


How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:


Please, go to Dashboard to see the anti-spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!



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