CleanTalk Anti-Spam module setup in Simple Machines Forum (SMF)

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard

1. Go to Admin —> Package Manager.

Simple Machines Forum Package Manager


2. Click the button Download Packages.

Simple Machines Forum Download Packages


3. In the "Package servers" section press the string [ Browse ].

Simple Machines Forum Browse


4. Find "Security and Moderation" section in the end of the list.

 Simple Machines Forum Security and Moderation


5. Press the string [ Download ] near the module's name "Anti-spam by CleanTalk".

Simple Machines Forum Anti-spam by CleanTalk


6. Press the string [ Install Mod ].

Simple Machines Forum Install Mod


7. Press the button "Install Now" at the bottom of the page.

Simple Machines Forum Install Now


8. You will be redirected to the module's settings after you install it (or you can go to the settings page manually: Admin —> Package Manager, Configuration —> Modification Settings...). Copy your access key from your CleanTalk Control Panel, setup the module and press the button "Save".

Simple Machines Forum Redirecting => Simple Machines Forum CleanTalk Settings

Simple Machines Forum Modification Settings


How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:



Congratulations. Anti-Spam is installed!


Please go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
Please check your email to get account password.



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