Download plugin file

How to Install CleanTalk Anti-Spam in TYPO3

1. In the TYPO3 admin panel, go to the Extensions section and select Get Extensions from the drop-down menu in the top-left corner.

Extentions Catalog

2. Type "cleantalk" in the Search field, then click the Import and Install icon.

Downloading and Installing of the Anti-Spam Plugin

3. Go to the Settings section, then click Configure extensions.

Configuration of the settings
4. Find typo3_antispam and open its settings → Copy the Access Key from your CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard and paste it in the Access key field → Click the Save the "typo3_antispam" configuration button.Anti-Spam Plugin Settings

5. Test any form on your site with the blacklisted e-mail address

Do not perform any tests being logged in as an administrator.

Spam protection testing

The Blocking Message

Congratulations. The Anti-Spam is installed!

Please go to your Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites, or manage existing ones! Please check your e-mail to get the account password.


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