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How to install the CleanTalk Anti-Spam add-on in XenForo

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard

1. Download the archive.

2. Unzip the archive to "/library".

3. Go to "Home —> Add-ons —> Install Add-on". Choose the file "addon-CleanTalk.xml" from the folder "library". Then click the button "Install Add-on".

Xenforo Anti-spam addon install


4. After the installation go to "Home —> Options", find and click the category "Spam Management".

Xenforo Anti-Spam addon settings


5. Copy the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard and paste it in the "Access key" field, turn on the options of the add-on.

Xenforo Anti-Spam addon options


6. You can disable inconvenient for your visitors CAPTCHA function now. Then click the button "Save Changes".

Xenforo captcha settings




Do a test registration and post a comment using this e-mail: "". Do not do tests being an administrator.

Xenforo spam registration block

— — — — — 

Xenforo spam block


Go to "Tools —> Spam Trigger Log". Spam activity can be found here.

Xenforo spam trigger log


How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:


Congratulations. The Anti-Spam is installed!


Please go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
Please check your e-mail to get account password.



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