SpamFireWall and Anti-Spam — Network Blocking


General guide how to use your Personal Lists for the SpamFireWall option is here:


To block specific network with SpamFireWall you should do the following:

1. Go to "Blacklist" of the service

SpamFireWall personal lists


2. Choose the service

   1. Anti-Spam (default) - will blocks users from selected IP or network from using contacts/messages/registrations/comments forms.

   2. SpamFireWall - will blocks users from selected IP or network from entering the website.

SpamFireWall personal lists


3. Block an entire subnet, a separate IP address or country

Press the button "Add new filter" -> choose "IP network"  -> simply type any IP address (field 1) and press the button "Blacklist" to add it to your Blacklist.

Subnet blocking: - IP address,

/16 - subnet mask

If you don't know how it works simply put numbers for mask divisible by 8:

  •   - all IP addresses starting from 1.n.n.n (from to will be blocked.
  • - all IP addresses starting from 1.2.n.n (from to will be blocked.
  • - all IP addresses starting from 1.2.3.n (from to will be blocked.

To block an entire Country press the button "Add new filter" -> choose "Country" -> select a country in the opened list-> press the button "Blacklist" to add it to your Blacklist.

Add SpamFirewall record



4. Make sure that newly appeared entry has in the column "Service" value "SpamFireWall" or "Anti-Spam"

SpamFireWall records


5. Go to the Anti-Spam plugin settings in your website dashboard and press the "Synchronize with cloud" button


Synchronize with cloud


It is essential to changes take effect even if you haven't change the settings. If you don't do this, changes will take effect only in 24 hours.


To test if SpamFireWall is working just add /?sfw_test_ip= to your site name. Example

www.yoursitename.domain/?sfw_test_ip= (you must see blocking screen)



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