Website Event Notifications


Do you want to know of every event that happened on your website because of your visitors? We can help you with that.

Now there is a possibility to receive notification letters to your inbox or directly to the URL (a JSON call) you have pointed out.


The feature is available after purchasing our Extra Package. Go to your Renewal Licence Page to see the details.


To set these notifications up, please, go to your CleanTalk Control Panel.

Then go to Tools —> Notifications.

Website Event Notifications 1


Press the blue button "Add Notification".

Add anti-spam events notification


In the pop-up window choose available options:

  • Site — what website you want to receive event notifications from
  • Type of Event — what events you want to see in the notifications (Allowed, Denied, All Events)
  • Method — select where notifications should go to (E-mail or URL)
  • Type of request - select a type of request (comment/registration/etc)
  • Periodicity (for e-mail method) — how often do you want to receive notifications (Immediately, Every hour, Every 2 hours, Every 4 hours)

Website Event Notifications 3


You will see new notification tasks in the list below after you finish adding them. You can disable and enable your tasks anytime by clicking the bell icon or via "Bulk Actions" menu.

Anti-spam events notifications list


Example of what you will see in your webserver log file when using URL method:

'requests' =>
"sender_nickname":"test 12",
"datetime":"2018-06-14 16:01:36"
"sender_nickname":"test 11",
"datetime":"2018-06-14 16:01:27"
"sender_nickname":"test 10",
"datetime":"2018-06-14 15:57:59"


Please note that changes will be applied in about 10 minutes.



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