Page, Form, or Field Exclusion From Anti-Spam Checking


Here is the list of guides for setting up exclusions for the supported CMS.


Inability to exclude some fields

It's technically impossible to exclude "Email" and "Nickname" fields on some forms. If exclusion of these fields is categorically important for you, we recommend the following:

 WordPress anchor CleanTalk


You can set up exclusions here:

WordPress Admin Page —> Settings —> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk —> Advanced settings —> Exclusions. After making all the necessary changes, save changes.


URL exclusions

To exclude a website's page from anti-spam checking add the full URL of the page in the "URL exclusions" field. For example, to exclude you need to enter the value Use a comma or new lines as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by Url


You can use regular expressions to fine-tune exceptions.

For example, if you need to exclude a group of pages from the "some" category:


enable the option "Use Regular Expression in URL Exclusions" and enter the word "some" in the "URL exclusions" field — all pages in which the word "some" appears will be excluded from anti-spam checking.

Exclusion by Url Regular


If you want to exclude pages from the "some" category, but not from the "some2" category, you can use a more precise regular expression.

Exclusion by Url Regular 2

You can use public Internet resources to test your regular expression, for example, Regular Expressions 101. When writing a regular expression, keep in mind that when saving plugin settings, the characters "" and "/" will be cut from the beginning and the end of the line.


 Field name exclusions


To exclude fields of the form, add the field name of your form in the "Field name exclusions" field. For example, to exclude the Name field in the standard WordPress comment form, you need to add the value author. You can add multiple fields, separated by commas.

Exclusion by Field

Similar to page exceptions, you can use regular expressions to fine-tune field exceptions by enabling the option "Use Regular Expression in Field Exclusions"


User's groups exclusions


To exclude by role, select a user's group in the list. To select multiple user groups, hold CTRL on your keyboard.

Exclusions by roles


Joomla anchor CleanTalk


You can set up exclusions here:

Joomla Admin Page —> Extensions —> Plugins —> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk —> Exclusions


URL exclusions


To exclude a website's page from anti-spam checking add the URL of the page in the field "URL exclusions". Use a comma as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by URL


Field name exclusions


To exclude fields of the form, add the field name of your form in the "Field name exclusions" field. You can add multiple fields, separated by commas.

Exclusions by field


Important: Exclusion works on forms except for comment and registration forms!


User's groups exclusions


To exclude by role, select a user's group in the list.

Exclusion by role


Drupal anchor CleanTalk

You can set up exclusions here:

Drupal Admin Page —> Configuration —> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk —> Settings —> Exclusions


URL exclusions


To exclude a website's page from anti-spam checking add the part of the page's URL without the website's domain in the field "URL exclusions". For example, to exclude the page you need to add /same/test. Use a comma as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by URL


You can use regular expressions to fine-tune exceptions.

Example 1: If you need to exclude a group of pages from the "some" category:


enable the option "RegExp?" and enter the word "some" in the "URL exclusions" field — all pages in which the word "some" appears will be excluded from anti-spam checking.

Example 2: if you want to exclude pages from the "some" category, but not from the "some2" category, you can use the regular expression /some/.


Field name exclusions


To exclude a field of the form, add the field name of your form in the "Field name exclusions" field. You can add multiple fields, separated by commas.

Exclusion by field


Important: Exclusion works on forms except for comment and registration forms!


User's groups exclusions


To exclude by role, select a user's group in the list. To select multiple user groups, hold CTRL on your keyboard.

Exclusion by roles


Bitrix anchor CleanTalk

You can set up exclusions here:

Settings —> System settings —> Module settings —> Anti-Spam w/o CAPTCHA by CleanTalk


URL exclusions


To exclude a website's page from anti-spam checking add the URL of the page in the field "URL exclusions". Use a comma as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by URL


Field name exclusions


To exclude fields of the form, add the field name of your form in the "Field name exclusions" field. You can add multiple fields, separated by commas.

Exclusion by field


Important: Exclusion works on forms except for comment and registration forms!


Web-form ID exclusion


To exclude webforms, add webforms ID. You can add multiple IDs, separated by commas.

Exclusion by field


MyBB anchor CleanTalk


You can set up exclusions here:

Settings -> Change Settings -> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk -> Exclusions


URL exclusions


To exclude a website's page from anti-spam checking add the URL of the page in the field "URL exclusions". Use a comma as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by URL


User's groups exclusions


To exclude by role, select a user's group in the list. Hold CTRL to select multiple roles.

Exclusion by role



Magento 2 anchor CleanTalk


You can set up exclusions here:

Admin Panel —> Stores —> Configuration —> General —> General —> CleanTalk Anti-Spam —> Exclude URLs From Checking

Use a comma as a separator if you want to add multiple URLs.

Exclusion by URL Magento 2



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