Checking Existing Users and Comments for Spam




In the CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin we added the possibility of checking for spam existing users and comments. These features can help cleaning the website from received spam. Options are available in the plugins for WordPress, Joomla, phpBB 3.1 - 3.2, SMF, IPS.

When the spam checking starts the plugin collects the following information about users and comments:

  • IP address,
  • Email,
  • Publication date.

Next, the status of IPs and emails in the CleanTalk database are checked on the date of appearing of the comment or signup (some differences are possible with the API methods because the APIs perform the checking for all time, not specific dates). The option also checks whether the IP or email address has been added into the database in the past 30 days. All the spam users and comments found will be shown in the result list. You can choose any records to delete or delete all records at once.

The older the registration date, the more difficult it is to identify spam. For more accurate checking use the "Accurate check" and "Specify date range" options to select the period when registrations/posts were made. Keep in mind that not all found records can be spam as the IP addresses of users/spammers change over time. It is necessary to check the date of registrations/posts and spam periods of activity of their IP addresses.


WordPress spam users check



How to Start Checking


Please read our special guide to start checking on WordPress



1. Make a backup copy of the website (files and databases).

2. Go to plugin settings: Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

3. Choose the tab "Check spam users/comments".

4. Click "Check users for spam" or "Check comments for spam" (depending on what you want to check).


Joomla spam users and comments check


phpBB 3.1-3.2:

1. Make a backup copy of the website (files and databases).

2. Go to the tab EXTENSIONS. "ANTI-SPAM BY CLEANTALK —> Spam protection settings".

3. Click "Check users for spam".


phpBB spam users check



1. Make a backup copy of the website (files and databases).

2. Go to Admin —> Configuration —> Modification Settings... (Anti-Spam by CleanTalk)

3. Click "Check users for spam".


SMF spam users check



1. Make a backup copy of the website (files and databases).

2. Go to "System —> Site features —> Plugins"

3. Open settings for "CleanTalk Spam Protect" with the "Edit" button.

4. Enable "Check spam users via members list" and press "Save".


IPS 4 spam users check


5. You can see found spammers in your Members list -> Spammers.


IPS 4 spam users check



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