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CleanTalk Anti-Spam setup in vBulletin 

Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard

1. Download the archive.

2. Unzip the xml-file from the archive to "/includes/xml".

3. Go to "Plugins & Products —> Manage Products" section. Click the string [Add/Import Product].

VBuletin4 Anti-Spam plugin install


4. Choose the CleanTalk xml-file from the folder "/includes/xml" and press the button "Import".

VBuletin4 Anti-Spam plugin install


5. Go to "Settings —> Options" section. Find "Anti-spam by CleanTalk" in the list. Press the button "Edit Settings".

VBuletin4 Anti-Spam plugin configure


6. Copy and paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard, set up the plugin and press the button "Save".

VBuletin4 Anti-Spam plugin options



Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail

VBuletin4 spam registration block


How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard

Please, use this guide to add website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:



Congratulations. Anti-spam is installed!


Please, go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!


Please check your e-mail to get account password.
Note: if CleanTalk Anti-Spam protection not working after installation and setting up
Click here to open
If protection not working you need to open your site database with a control interface (phpmyadmin as usual)

and check fields class_api and class_base in cleantalk_php_code table

If they are absent or empty you need to add and fill these fields:

1) id - type varchar(255)

2) php_code - type text


1) id - class_base
php_code - insert from file classes/cleantalk.class.php

2)id - class_api
php_code - insert from file classes/cleantalk.api.utf8.php or cleantalk.api.cp1251.php depending from website page encoding.



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