How to install the CleanTalk Anti-Spam MOD on vBulletin 5
Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard
1. Make backup copies of your forum files and database.
2. Download the archive.
3. Merge the folders "core" — one from the downloaded archive "upload/core", another is in your forum "/core". Place the xml-file from the archive in "/core/includes/xml".
4. Go to "Products & Hooks —> Manage Products" section, click the string [Add/Import Product].
5. In "Import Product" area press the button "Choose File" and pick the xml-файл in the folder "/core/includes/xml". Then press the button "Import".
6. Go to "Settings —> Human Verification Manager", select CleanTalk and press the button "Save".
7. Go to "Settings —> Options" section. Find the line "Anti-spam by CleanTalk", select it and press the button "Edit Settings".
8. Copy-paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard, set up the plugin, and press the button "Save".
Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail
How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard
Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:
Congratulations. Anti-Spam is installed!