How to Delete Links From the Approved Comments


The CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin for WordPress allows you to delete all links from approved comments. 


To set up the plugin, perform these steps:

1. Go to the Anti-Spam by CleanTalk settings page [ WordPress Admin Page —> Plugins —> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk ].

2. Click the "Advanced Settings" link.

Advanced Settings


3. Find the "Comments and Messages" section, and switch the radio button "Remove links from approved comments" to "Yes".

Comments Section


4. Check the result, now all links will be replaced by [Link Deleted] caption as it is shown on example pictures below.

  • Original comment before posting:

Original comment


  • Published and cleaned comment:

Cleaned comment


Please note, this option deletes links from new comments only. All links posted before activating the option stay unchanged.



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