All versions of spam protection plugins for 1C Bitrix

Release date Version Status Changelog
Oct 18 2023 Productive * Fix: all functions in the class CleantalkAntispam are now static for compatibility with php 8
* New. Options. Use bitrix API.
* New. default_option.php. Default settings file.
* Imp. options.php. Handle fail messages.
* Imp. options.php. Old COption legacy removed.
* Fix. Uninstall. Complete deactivation now works correct.
* New. Install. Use default options if no options set (new install or if complete deactivation performed)
* Fix. After tests. Exclusion for SFW module settings that placed after uninstallation process.
* Fix. After review. Old PHP version compatibility in access keys comparison.
* Fix. SFW test. Now displays test page correct and always runs in the session.
* Fix. Settings page. Remove spaces in URL exclusions.
* Fix. Exclusions. Page with URL exclusions now do not load JS.
* Fix. Description wrapped by list.
* Fix. Getting fields any fixed.
* fix: fixed warning in preg_match
* Fix: fixed preg_match in OnBeforeResultAddHandler()
* fixed static functions
* Fix. Skip service request - iblock.vode component ajax loading.
* Fix. SFW. Updating process fixed.
* Mod: SFW send logs is fixed
* Upd. SFW. Implemented personal list.
Feb 24 2022 Archive Fix. Settings. API key fieldset moved to the top of the section.
Fix. Settings. Reset settings button implemented.
Fix. Settings. Init default setting on installation.
New. Settings. Complete deactivation option added.
New. Settings. Complete deactivation implemented.
New. Settings. Regexp for fields exclusions.
New. Settings. Saving exclusion regexp implemented.
Fix. Exclusion. Fields exclusions fixed.
New. Exclusion. Url exclusions by regexp.
Sep 06 2021 Archive Added compatibility with PHP 8
Aug 23 2021 Archive Fix: skip empty email requests.
Fix: prevent double check request.
Fix: update cron class.
Update version. Add site exclusions.
Fix: set OnEndBufferContentHandler and OnPageStartHandler static.
Fix: rc_check type.
Upd: set url exclusion textarea. Disable module for excluded urls.
Fix: added isset in /Common/Helper.php in http__get_headers()
Jun 07 2021 Archive Fix: skip forgot_password from from visible fields checking.
Fix: sfw update fw stats.
Fix: setlastcall in remotecall.
Fix: SFW. Block page net count show.
Fix: Forms. Possible notices fixed.
Fix. DB. Fetch all method fixed.
New. SLAM Easyform ajax integration implemented.
Apr 21 2021 Archive Fix: SFW updating.
Fix: composite template.
Other minor improvements.
Apr 06 2021 Archive Bug fixes.
Apr 05 2021 Archive Upd: update lib.
Fix: skip reset password checking.
Fix: parsing JSON.
Fix: Skip bitrix sqs requests on register.
Fix: AMP detection fixed.
Fix: Try to get compressed data from the request.
Oct 22 2020 Archive Fix: Encoding issues.
Fix: Skip global hook on comments.
Fix: Empty message field for custom forms.
Aug 18 2020 Archive Fix: Missing UTF-8 func, correct sender_email handler in comments.
Fix: Skip adding js code if admin.
Fix: Templates modification.
Fix: SFW update via agents (cron).
Fix: correct COption handler.
Aug 06 2020 Archive Fix: Set corret next run time for agents.
Aug 06 2020 Archive Fix: Buffer modifying fixed.
Fix: JS comments format.
Fix: Changed description for the setting "Exclude form by ID".
Fix: Start agents only after a certain period.
Fix: SFW update issues.
May 19 2020 Archive New: Update SFW class. Add whitelists support for SFW.
New: Support for some AJAX forms.
Add trial and renew notices for keys.
Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
Dec 26 2019 Archive New: Exclusions functionality.
Fix: Bitrix composite support fix.
Fix: Admin side catching fixed.
Fix: Check register via checkout.
Fix: OnBeforeUserSimpleRegister event handler added.
Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
Aug 29 2019 Archive Fixes for custom contact form checking
Fixes for webform checking
Other minor improvements
Jun 06 2019 Archive Improved spam protection
Remote calls support
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Apr 04 2019 Archive Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Apr 02 2019 Archive Improved JS protection
Fix CCF form checking
Add form validation errors
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jan 16 2019 Archive Allow to install module without templates folder
Update ccf fields checking
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Oct 09 2018 Archive Improve JS code checking
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Sep 21 2018 Archive "Bitrix-composite support"
"Update SFW logic"
"Bug fixes and other minor improvements"
Aug 15 2018 Archive Update lib classes
Fix JS checking
Update SFW
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 30 2018 Archive Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 23 2018 Archive Update CCF options
Increase JS protection
Move static js code to external file
Remove session usage
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Mar 28 2018 Archive Improved spam protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 26 2018 Archive Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 15 2018 Archive Exclude urls from spam check
Remove unused classes
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Dec 13 2017 Archive Webform protection
GET form protection
Display error on buyoneclick forms
Sep 15 2017 Archive Improved spam protection
Errors fixes
Improved JS code
Aug 15 2017 Archive Improved spam protection.
Fixed possible problems with bitrix CAPTCHA.
Improved JS code.
Other Fixes and improvements.
Jun 20 2017 Archive PHP 7+ Support
Feb 02 2017 Archive Fixed interception of authorization form if you enable "Protect all forms"
Protection for forms without email field
Added posibility to protect forum private messages
Dec 13 2016 Archive Getting key automatically
Key status monitoring
Checkout's special filtering logic. Improved filtration.
Dec 05 2016 Archive More stable work of Agents
Improved protection
Sep 07 2016 Archive Reduced database load
Updating local database and sending SpamFireWall logs are being executed by agents now
Fixed an issue with sending SpamFireWall logs
Aug 17 2016 Archive Fixed a bug with SpamFireWall database table update
Jun 29 2016 Archive Added protection by IP license.
Jan 14 2016 Archive -