All versions of spam protection plugins for Drupal 8

Release date Version Status Changelog
Mar 28 2022 Productive Queries fixed.
Dec 06 2021 Archive Mod: Improving the functionality of checking site users for spam
Fix: JS errors. apbct-admin-scripts.js. Checking for undefined
Mod: Improved the mechanism for protecting external forms. Changed version to 8.x-4.12
Fix: add skip_strings for get_fields_any.
Fix: Deleting a user now via a post request
Mod: Implemented deletion of selected users and all users
Mod: Added scrolling definition to improve spam protection
Fix: the anti-crawler cookie now contains salt
Fix: Anticrawler - skipping in the presence of cookies
Fix: Added deletion of the temporary table, if it exists, before creating it.
Fix: Changed the description of the exception field by field name
Aug 31 2021 Archive Fix: sql rand.
Fix: sql like request.
Fix: rc check type.
New: add eu cookie compilance banner.
Fix: link.
Fix: get_headers.
Added Anticrawler, AntiFlood and othe features for SFW
Fix: removed the condition for receiving alternative cookies only with the prefix apbct
Update name update function to cleantalk_update_81411
Apr 20 2021 Archive Fix: remote calls notices.
Fix: sfw update using table prefixes.
Apr 14 2021 Archive Upd: lib classes.
Fix: helper array check.
Fix: skip interlnal fields.
Fix: external library loading on all pages by respecting related configuration.
Fix: cookies_test.
Jan 25 2021 Archive Fix: Set correct comment_type for google search.
Fix: sizeof() replaced by count().
New: External forms protection implemented.
Dec 16 2020 Archive Fix: Notice fixed.
Nov 26 2020 Archive Upd: SFW updating moved to an asynchronous process.
Fix: SFW updating fixed.
Fix: Sending SFW logs errors handling fixed.
Fix: Updating SFW errors handling fixed.
Nov 25 2020 Archive Fix: Truncate fixed.
Oct 15 2020 Archive Fix: Truncate wrapper added.
Fix: Contstants moved to the common funcs file.
Upd: Drupal v9 compatibility updated.
Fix: Has instead of get in amp checking.
Fix: Comments automoderation fixed.
Sep 08 2020 Archive Fix: alternative cookie issues
Fix: SFW issues with big data
Fix: SFW duplicate entries
Upd: ip detection logic
Other minor improvements
Jun 01 2020 Archive Fix correct table prefix for SFW
May 27 2020 Archive Fix correct hook update.
May 27 2020 Archive New: Plugin settings moved to "Content authoring" sub-category.
New: Rework all library classes.
New: Whitelists support for SFW.
Fix: Issues with large SFW databases.
Fix: Alternative cookies issues.
Fix: Javascript checking issues.
Fix: Multistep forms issues.
Other minor improvements.
Apr 20 2020 Archive New: Multi-step form support
Fix: JS params
Fix: AJAX forms handler
Other minor improvements

Jan 28 2020 Archive Fix: PHP Warnings.
Fix: Settings by default.
Fix: Custom contact form.
Fix: Settings description.
User patch applied: noindex_on_search-3088297-1.
User patch apllied: remove_ternary_operator-3088287-1.
Oct 14 2019 Archive Fix: notices fixed.
Oct 09 2019 Archive New exclusions options
New option enable/disable cookies
New option alternative mechanism for cookies
Other minor improvements
Jul 15 2019 Archive Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 11 2019 Archive Set default settings for a fresh install
Add hosting support
Add search form support
Fix hosting support issues
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Mar 21 2019 Archive Renew notification for trial accounts
Fix SFW update db issues
Add form validation notices
Improved JS protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 07 2019 Archive Resolves Anti Spam by CleanTalk - Critical - Cross site scripting and SQL Injection - SA-CONTRIB-2019-010.

Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Nov 15 2018 Archive Update settings page
Fix correct SQL query to creating sfw_tables
Remove unused lines from .yml files
SFW/server variables moved to StateAPI
Add option to protect forum topics
Improved JS protection
Include JS file using library method
Automod now affects only comments checking
Fix correct remove users from check users form
Other minor improvements
Aug 21 2018 Archive Fix SFW
Fix notices on comment publish
Fix request headers on non-apache configs
Aug 15 2018 Archive Update lib classes
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Aug 09 2018 Archive Update base classes
CDN support
Add forum protection
Improve JS protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 12 2018 Archive Fix install via composer
Remove unused hooks
Increase JS protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Jun 20 2018 Archive Improved spam protection
Custom config for url/field exclusions
Fix webform protection
Fix custom contact form protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
May 08 2018 Archive Fix SFW issues
Rework contact form protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Mar 14 2018 Archive Fix SpamFireWall issues
Submit time via cookie
Improved spam protection
Check users fixes
Jan 29 2018 Archive Added new option - SpamFireWall. More here:
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Sep 06 2017 Archive Fix weboform submission errors
Fix check users/comments
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 10 2017 Archive New check users feature
Improved spam protection
Update logic
Bug fixes and other improvements
Apr 13 2017 Archive Couple of patches from users:
- Remove module configurations on uninstall.
- Add configuration option on Config page.
Apr 06 2017 Archive Fixed error with user deletion.
Small fixes.
Dec 24 2015 Archive Added option "Minimum approved comments for a user to become trusted"