Все версии плагинов для защиты от спама для MyBB 1.x

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Jul 21 2020 Продуктив Fix: Support PHP 5.2.
Fix: apache_request_headers() patch.
Fix: php_fix file included.
Upd: SFW: query updated, partitioning implemented.
Upd: Refactoring.
Upd: Helper updated.
Fix: SFW skipping time increased to 3 sec.
New: CRON implemented.
Fix: Short tag replaced.
Fix: SFW ip_get fixed.
Fix: SFW updating errors handling fixed.
Fix: SFW clearing table fixed.
Upd: API updated.
Mar 31 2020 Архив Update lib classes
Exclusions functionality implemented
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Sep 06 2018 Архив Update lib classes
Improve spam protection
CDN support
Add SpamFireWall
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jun 20 2017 Архив Added notification messages
New option "Tell others about CleanTalk" (footer link)
Contact form protection
Form submit_time fix
Jun 05 2017 Архив Beta release