Все версии плагинов для защиты от спама для phpBB 3.1, 3.2

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Feb 12 2023 Продуктив Fix. Escaped variables in SFW template.
Fix. Trying to force ipv4 resolving on CURL errors on ipv6.
Fix. Statistics. Fixed overflow $config[\\\'cleantalk_stats__requests\\\'].
Jun 17 2022 Бета Mod: Added modification for CleantalkSFW and main_module in SQL sintax
Mod: Added new Errors::class for working with errors
Mod: Changed noticePaidTill on API::methodNoticePaidTill
Mod: Added common class API for working with API instead CleantalkHelper
Mod: Added SFW last time updated and sent lods in statistics
Mod: Added last time and IP triggered SFW in statistics
Mod: Added Average request time to statistics
Mod: Added last time request info
Fix: Fixed getting file_url_nums
Fix: Fixed the error is not output to the log
Fix: Fixed ccf_check trigger
Fix: Fixed SFW die page
Fix: Fixed cleantalk_antispam_key_is_ok settings
Fix: sfw_die_page - added inline styles instead of a .css file
Fix: set static sfw_send_logs
Ref: Refactoring vars
Jun 01 2021 Архив Upd: translate.
Fix: Notice fixed.
Code: Code reformatted.
Fix: quotas in truncate sfw table.
Fix: SFW update.
Fix: SpamFireWall bypass Apache module which prevent path-like parameters.
Aug 14 2020 Архив New: Add Whitelists support for SpamFireWall.
Fix: SFW issues with large data.
New: Add french language.
Fix: curl fix.
New: phpBB 3.3 support.
New: Implemented limits to "Check users for spam" queries.
Other minor improvements
Jan 10 2020 Архив PHPBB 3.3 support
CURL fixes
Check users fixes
Other minor improvements
Jul 23 2019 Архив Optimize "Check users"
Fix pages on check users results
Update German language
Fix cookie test
Fix PHP notices
Jun 17 2019 Архив Improved spam protection
Add hosting licenses support
Add remote calls support
Improved Javascript checking
Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Nov 27 2018 Архив Code optimization
Improve JS checking
Fix drafts/preview checking
Fix automoderation issues
Validation fixes
Other improvements
Jun 18 2018 Архив Fix javascript issues on custom themes/templates
Improved spam protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jun 06 2018 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
May 17 2018 Архив Fix CURL issues
Added new SSL option
Added IT translation
IP to hostname resolve for working url
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Apr 09 2018 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Mar 20 2018 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 26 2018 Архив Improved contact form protection
IPv6 support
Improved spam protection
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 08 2018 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Feb 08 2018 Архив New option to enable anti-spam test for Contact Us page
Validation fixes
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Dec 23 2017 Архив WARNING!
If you have GENERAL SQL ERROR when you click "Delete data", just replace your old /root/ext/ "cleantalk" folder to the new one and click "Delete data" once again.

Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Dec 21 2017 Архив WARNING!
If you have GENERAL SQL ERROR when you click "Delete data", just replace your old /root/ext/ "cleantalk" folder to the new one and click "Delete data" once again.

Validation fixes
Check users fixes for postre_sql
Remove unused db calls
Base class updated
Aug 15 2017 Архив Error fixes.
Review banner deleted.
Base calsses updated.
Validation fixes.
JS updated.
Jul 14 2017 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jul 13 2017 Архив Improved spam protection
Fixes for check users feature
Bug fixes and other improvements
Jun 15 2017 Архив Improved protection.
New cron hook for account status check.
Error fixes.
Updated classes for protection.
IPv6 support.
Connection stability improved.
SFW translation.
Redesigned code in accordance to coding guidelines.
Feb 27 2017 Архив Bug fixes
SpamFireWall cron hooks fix
Jan 30 2017 Архив Auto getting api key, module, checks if key is active.
Added SpamFireWall.
Improved protection.
Nov 30 2016 Архив Test request
IE 9 support for mouse tracking
Nov 17 2016 Архив Fixed issues
Changed method for user scaning
Oct 31 2016 Архив Minor fixes
Additional checks
Spanish language
Aug 17 2016 Архив Added Spanish language
May 04 2016 Архив Changed connection test method
Dec 15 2015 Архив -
Nov 10 2015 Архив 4.31
Oct 08 2015 Архив 4.3
Dec 18 2014 Архив First!