Все версии плагинов для защиты от спама для XenForo 2

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Feb 22 2022 Продуктив Fix: check sfw_temp table before insert.
Fix: E_DEPRECATED exception in Cleantalk.php.
Fix: http__get_headers() renamed to httpGetHeaders() and fixed.
Fix: Cron. Fix: Cron. Cron last start flag improved.
Fix: drop if exists.
Fix. SFW log query fixed.
May 31 2021 Архив Fix: Helper. Test remote call fixed.
Fix. SFW. Die page notice fixed.
May 03 2021 Архив Fix: hashes.
Fix: lib folder name.
Apr 27 2021 Архив Upd: lib.
Fix: Cookies. \\\'samesite\\\' attribute added.
Jan 25 2021 Архив Fix XF 2.1 issues.
Fix: sending logs.
Fix: Add script uri to basehost.
Fix: RC for subfolders fixed.
Fix: missing response class in cleaner.
Fix: Server url option fixed.
Fix: Spam Cleaner fixed.
Fix: SFW updating moved to a separated flow.
Fix: Backward compatibility for Xenforo 2.0.
Sep 30 2020 Архив Fix: SFW issues with large data.
Fix 2.2 XF compability.
Fix: Render template args.
Upd: Update classes.
Apr 22 2020 Архив New: content checking system. Users with fewer than 3 messages will be checked by plugin.
New: SFW page
Fix: Correct SubContainer initialization
New: Storing request's hash into db
New: Sending a feedback implemented
Fix: Agent become dynamic
Fix: Select hash fixed
Mar 25 2020 Архив New: SpamCleaner feedback integrated.
Fix: Correct isspam handle.
Mar 24 2020 Архив Fix XFCP option extends
Fix internal stop words
Other minor improvements
Jul 23 2019 Архив New option for enable/disable spam check in conversations
New option for changing blocking method
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jun 03 2019 Архив Update SFW class, handle DB exceptions
Fix PHP warnings
Other minor improvements
Sep 10 2018 Архив Fix bug when SFW page calls multiple times
Fix bu when plugin doesn't find the fastest server
Send/update SFW databases each hour/day
Other minor improvements
Aug 13 2018 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Aug 13 2018 Архив Add SpamFireWall
Increase JS protection
Add CDN support
Update lib classes
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Jan 16 2018 Архив Fix xenforo_root variable
Improve js protection
Dec 19 2017 Архив Tell others about CleanTalk option
Fix namespace issues
Dec 12 2017 Архив Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Nov 14 2017 Архив Rebuild spam check system
Submit_time via cookie
Bug fixes and other minor improvements
Nov 08 2017 Архив Add hashes.json
Remove unused methods
Nov 07 2017 Архив First stable release