Все версии плагина CleanTalk для безопасности WordPress, страница 2 из 4

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Mar 18 2022 Архив Mod: Settings. Change salts. Change layout.
Mod: Reset wp salts
Mod: Variables\\\\ServerVariables is abstract.
Mod: Variables\\\\*. Move storing and recalling variables to ServerVariables class.
Mod: Templates\\\\Singleton. Separate child instances.
Mod: Added link for shuffle salts when curing is done
Mod: Added updater script.
Mod: Added description for section RESET SALTS.
Fix: Scanner. JavaScript class. Percentages display.
Fix: Scanner tab. Output errors for actions with files.
Fix: Scanner. Cleaning from heuristic results #2.
Fix: WPMS. Error when blog creating.
Fix: Varibales\\\\ServerVariables. Logic fix.
Fix: Wordpress Multisite. Database error while adding a new blog.
Fix: Wordpress Multisite. Monitoring.
Fix: Wordpress Multisite. Settings. Database error.
Fix: Wordpress Multisite. Banner. Setting link.
Fix: Wordpress Multisite. Severe errors.
Fix: Added scripts
Fix: Remote Calls. Token calculation.
Fix: Scanner. Amount of scanned files.
Fix: preloader.gif for debug button
Fix: reset salts
Fix: Scanner. Cleaning from heuristic results.
Fix: Fixed notification about deprecated operation of the hexdec function.
Fix: update there_was_signature_treatment in Cure.php.
Fix: Changed animation time.
Mar 05 2022 Архив Fix: Scanner. Increase timeout and reduce amount of files checked in one iteration.
Fix: Scanner. Increase execution time for scanner.
Mod: Scanner. Heuristic. Memory consumption decreased.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. Processing errors.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. SQL module. Error.
Mod: Scanner. Manual. Speed up.
Mod: Scanner. Manual. Error for the changed nonce.
Mar 03 2022 Архив Fix: Scanner. Manual. Errors output.
Fix: Do not bother user with useless errors.
Fix: Scanner. Surface. Skip bad file paths.
Fix: PHP Errors in ScannerQueue.php.
Feb 28 2022 Архив Fix. Code. Singleton trait fixed.
Fix. Updater. 2.73 updater script fixed.
Fix. Git. Gitignore updated.
Fix. Updater. Transaction flow fixed.
Fix: \\Templates\\Multiton::getInstance() Input parameters.
Fix: \\Templates\\Singleton::getInstance() Input parameters.
Fix: \\Templates\\Multiton::getInstance() Input parameters.
Fix: \\Templates\\Singleton::getInstance() Input parameters.
Fix: Variables\\* instance parameter scope.
Fix: Common\\Transaction.
Fix: Updater transaction implementation. Deleting transaction when it\'s completed.
Fix: Scanner. Skip trusted files.
Fix: spbc-common.js. spbc_sendAJAXRequest(). Revised.
Fix: Common\\Transaction. Wrong order of input parameters.
Fix: Scanner. File system scanner. Return file parameters in the strict order.
Fix: Namespaces for ScannerQueue.php.
Fix: Scanner. Minor performance improvement.
Fix: Do no check online admins when feature is disabled.
Fix: Firewall. Update. SpbcWP\\Firewall\\FW::data_tables__delete()
Fix: SFW: maximum priority for trusted networks
Fix: Fixed spbc_fix_error_messages() for custom filters
Fix: Error while merging with branch \'mod/scanner.scheduled.implementing-queue.SR\'.
Fix: Addition to the branch merge \'mod/scanner.scheduled.implementing-queue.SR\'. JS minimized files.
Fix: Scanner. False positive on functions.
Fix: Modal window. Max width.
Fix: Modal window. Center the content.
Fix: From test. Settings templates.
Fix: From test. AJAX error output.
Fix: From test. Scanner. Scheduled scan.
Fix: From test. Scanner. Auto cure stage.
Fix: From test. Scanner. Skip stages considering settings.
Mod: spbc_scanner_file_download() implementation of validation filter \'hash\'.
Mod: spbc_scanner_file_*() validation for input parameters.
Mod: Variables\\ServerVariables. New sanitizing filters.
Mod: spbc-common.js. spbc_sendAJAXRequest() new input parameters dataType and context.
Mod: Scanner. Operations with plugins and themes:
Mod: Scanner. Operations with plugins and themes:
Mod: Replacing AJAX hooks with new one ScannerQueue.
Mod: Sripts translations. spbcScaner.
Mod: Settings. Scanner tab. Remove useless and rename old scanner statuses;
Mod: Make return parameters of spbc_backup__files_with_signatures() standard.
Mod: Remove useless remote calls.
Mod: AJAX. Alter error message.
Mod: Settings. \'Show files detected not earlier than\' renamed to \'Do not show unknown files older than\'.
New: Scanner. JS-class \'spbcMalwareScanner\'.
New: Scanner. JS-class \'spbcMalwareScanner\' implementation.
New: SpbctWP\\DB. New methods:
New: SpbctWP\\Scanner\\ScannerQueue class.
New: Common\\Helper. Store functions call results.
Refactor: Common\\DB.
Refactor: SpbctWP\\DB
Del: Deleting old JS scanner plugin.
Del: Old functions from spbc-scanner.php and adding wrappers for ScannerQueue.
Feb 18 2022 Архив Fix: Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: preg_match(): Argument #2 (subject) must be of type string, array given in /security-malware-firewall/lib/CleantalkSP/SpbctWP/Helper.php
New: Variables\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\SuperVariables::sanitize - Runs sanitizing process for input parameter.
New: Variables\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\SuperVariables::validation - Runs validation for input parameter.
New: Variables\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\SuperVariables::get(). Implementation of validation and sanitizing.
Mod: spbc_scanner_file_*() validation for input parameters.
Mod: spbc_scanner_page_view() preparing SQL.
New: Variables\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\SuperVariables::get(). Implementation of validation and sanitizing.
Feb 17 2022 Архив Fix: Scanner. Code style analysing.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. Iteration preparations for code style analysis and post scan processing.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. CodeStyle. Analysing line lengths.
Fix: Added ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes()
Fix: Setting \\\"Check plugins and themes while uploading\\\" (waf__file_check__uploaded_plugins.
Fix: Firewall. WAF. Breaking the other uploaded files check.
Fix: Scanner. Getting signatures.
Fix: WAF. The uploaded files check. Spelling.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. Skip content without useful PHP code.
Fix: Change params names according software requirements.
Fix. Code. Getting key hook logic moved and simplify.
Fix: Adding and implementing hook \\\'spbct_upgrader_package_url\\\'.
Fix: WAF. The uploaded files check. Namespaces.
Fix: Common\\\\Helper::http__multi_request_pure(). PHP 5.6 compatibility.
Fix: Fixed error about memory_limit
Fix: From test. Renaming cleantalkModal to spbcModal.
Mod: Settings. Dependency logic. spbcSettingsDependencies() now recursive and support more than 1 nested levels.
Mod: Scanner. Interface. Description for approved category.
Mod: Remote calls. Update. Return possibility to update without the specifying version and source.
Mod: Remote calls. Update. Add \\\'cleantalk\\\' download_source parameter.
Mod: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\DirectoryScan::scan() return type modified.
Mod: WAF. The uploaded files check. Errors output added.
Mod: WAF. The uploaded files check. Remote calls updating.
Mod: Firewall Update. Moving stats defining before creating dir and direct update. Got GIT glitch here.
Mod: SpbctWP\\\\Firewall\\\\FW::update__write_to_db() now can write either local and remote files to DB.
Mod: SQLSchema. Table \\\'scan_results\\\'. Default values for \\\'size\\\', \\\'perms\\\', \\\'mtime\\\'.
Mod: Scanner. Do not put \\\'wp-config.php\\\' in the Unknown category.
Mod: Scanner. CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\HeuristicCodeStyle::gatherLinesNumAndLength() renamed to sortTokensWithDifferentTypes.
Mod: Firewall. WAF. Passing new setting \\\'waf__file_check__uploaded_plugins\\\'.
New: Scanner. Table. new JS spbc_reload_accordion().
New: Scanner. Table. Implementation of spbc_reload_accordion().
New: Scanner. Heuristic. CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\HTML module.
New: Scanner. Heuristic. Implementation of CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\HTML module.
New: spbcModal new put() and putError() methods and few other improvements.
New: spbcModal implementation for error output.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::getSignatures() method.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::getRootPath() method.
New: Signature for methods CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::scanFileForHeuristic() and scanFileForSignatures().
New: Rename CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Helper::file__get_string_number_with_needle() to scanFileForHeuristic()
New: Setting \\\"Check plugins and themes while uploading\\\" (waf__file_check__uploaded_plugins.
New. Getting key hook.
New. Change email hook.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\Helper::http__multi_request_pure().
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::scanFile() - scan file both ways, with signatures and heuristic.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::mergeResults() - merge results from different scans by predefined priority.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host__build_params() - compile URL parameters to self remote call.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Surface. Possibility to throttle returned parameters.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\RemoteCalls::action__scanner__check_file - Check file for signatures and heuristic.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\RemoteCalls::action__scanner__check_file__heuristic - Check file by heuristic.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\RemoteCalls::action__scanner__check_file__signature - Check file for signatures.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWp\\\\Scanner\\\\DirectoryScan class.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWp\\\\Firewall\\\\WAF::waf__file_check__modules_check() - call back to check uploaded modules.
New: Firewall. WAF. Implementation of checking uploaded modules.
New: Updater. Update script for 2.80.
New: Hook \\\'spbct_upgrader_package_options\\\' in Up
Feb 11 2022 Архив New: CleantalkSP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\API::methodSendLocalSettings().
New: Settings. Sending the settings when saving them.
New: Settings. Add a new hook \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'spbc_before_returning_settings\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'.
New: Settings. Sending settings to the cloud when saving settings.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\API::sendRequest(). Implement zero timeout, to make an async call.
New: Settings. The spbc__send_local_settings_to_api() wrapper function to send settings.
New: Scanner. Malware. Exclude file approved by CleanTalk from the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'unknown\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' category.
Mod: Scanner. Do not exclude wp-config.php from the malware scan.
Mod: Scanner. Sending results. Aggregate errors from all sending results methods.
Fix. Scanner. Errors on curing was expanded.
Fix. Scanner. Added hook to log scanning process.
Fix: Setting import/export. Exclude \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'2fa__roles\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'2fa__enable\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' from export.
Fix: Setting import/export. Warning about the excluding \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'2fa__roles\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'2fa__enable\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' from export.
Fix: From test. CleantalkSP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\SpbctWP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Scanner\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Controller::scanFileForSignatures() return value.
Jan 17 2022 Архив New: Tools. spbc_check_ascii() function. Checks if the given string is ASCII.
Mod: Scanner. Silently add non-UTF8 file names to database.
New: Settings. \"Cross-Site Request Forgery Detection\".
New: Frontend scanner. Passing CSRF setting to scanner.
New: Frontend scanner. Implementation of CSRF detection.
New: Web Application Firewall. Preparing database structure.
New: Web Application Firewall. Refactoring checks.
New: Web Application Firewall. The new check type: Suspicious signatures.
New: Web Application Firewall. Prioritizing and logs update for suspicious signatures.
New: Web Application Firewall. Logs sending modification for suspicious signatures.
New: Scanner. CSRF. Preparing database structure.
New: Scanner. CSRF. Rebuilding it to use DOMXPath to find attributes instead of global search.
New: Scanner. CSRF. Implementing writing results to database.
New: Scanner. CSRF. Settings layout.
Mod: Scanner. Signatures. Memory consumption decreased.
Mod: Scanner. Signatures. File size limit implemented.
Mod: Scanner. Heuristic. Delete evaluation construct from Strings.php.
Fix: Added a \'get\' parameter at the cron scan request in the function spbc_scanner__launch()
Fix: Spelling and Grammar.
Fix: Scanner. Silently add non-UTF8 file names to database.
Fix: Firewall. ip__get() wrong redundant argument deleted.
Fix: Scanner. Scheduled scanning. Sending results.
Fix: Scanner. Frontend. Reset results if settings were changed.
Fix: Web Application Firewall. Uploaded file check.
Jan 10 2022 Архив New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Variables methods
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle
New: Add new properties Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens for Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens property max_index
New: Duplicate method Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens::setCurrent() delete
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens methods modified
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens new methods and few modified
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Evaluations class implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Evaluations
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Controller
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs::getViaKeyWords()
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes class implemented.
New: Scanner. Heuristic. New class Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Variables::isSetOfTokensHasBadVariables() implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens::searchBackward()
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes class implemented.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::getIncludes() method implemented.
New: Scanner. Heuristic. New class
New: Implement Heuristic\\\\Transformation class in Heuristic\\\\Controller
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Heuristic::Transformations class.
Mod: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes. Pass a start and an end string of an include to results.
Refactored: Few classes refactored for using new methods from Heuristic\\\\Tokens
Refactored: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs
Fix: set Cookie namespace in updaterscripts.php.
Fix: Do not include approved files in the reports.
Fix: Scanner. Receiving hashes.
Fix: Signatures. Wrong line number detection.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"base64_*\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. Useless files attachment check.
Fix: Interface. \\\"Send for analise action\\\". Notification message altered.
Fix: Heuristic. Temporary don\\\'t analise not native bad variables in SQL-requests.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"unserialize\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Interface. Row actions.
Fix: Check website for errors after quarantine or delete file.
Fix: Users online. Don\\\'t send AJAX requests when disabled.
Mod: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes. Pass a start and an end string of an include to results.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"unserialize\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Interface. Row actions.
Fix: Check website for errors after quarantine or delete file.
Fix: Users online. Don\\\'t send AJAX requests when disabled.
Fix: set Cookie namespace in updaterscripts.php.
Fix: Do not include approved files in the reports.
Fix. Code. Missing return added.\'New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Variables methods
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle
New: Add new properties Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens for Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\CodeStyle
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens property max_index
New: Duplicate method Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens::setCurrent() delete
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens methods modified
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens new methods and few modified
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Evaluations class implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Evaluations
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Controller
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs::getViaKeyWords()
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes class implemented.
New: Scanner. Heuristic. New class Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Variables::isSetOfTokensHasBadVariables() implemented
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Tokens::searchBackward()
New: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes class implemented.
New: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Controller::getIncludes() method implemented.
New: Scanner. Heuristic. New class
New: Implement Heuristic\\\\Transformation class in Heuristic\\\\Controller
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Scanner\\\\Heuristic::Transformations class.
Mod: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes. Pass a start and an end string of an include to results.
Refactored: Few classes refactored for using new methods from Heuristic\\\\Tokens
Refactored: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\SQLs
Fix: set Cookie namespace in updaterscripts.php.
Fix: Do not include approved files in the reports.
Fix: Scanner. Receiving hashes.
Fix: Signatures. Wrong line number detection.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"base64_*\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. Useless files attachment check.
Fix: Interface. \\\"Send for analise action\\\". Notification message altered.
Fix: Heuristic. Temporary don\\\'t analise not native bad variables in SQL-requests.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"unserialize\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Interface. Row actions.
Fix: Check website for errors after quarantine or delete file.
Fix: Users online. Don\\\'t send AJAX requests when disabled.
Mod: Scanner\\\\Heuristic\\\\Includes. Pass a start and an end string of an include to results.
Fix: Heuristic. Deleting \\\"unserialize\\\" from bad functions.
Fix: Interface. Row actions.
Fix: Check website for errors after quarantine or delete file.
Fix: Users online. Don\\\'t send AJAX requests when disabled.
Fix: set Cookie namespace in updaterscripts.php.
Fix: Do not include approved files in the reports.
Fix. Code. Missing return added.
Dec 06 2021 Архив Fix: Scanner. Receiving hashes.
Fix. Admin bar. Admins online counter fixed.
Nov 22 2021 Архив Fix:Wrong namespace in Heuristic modules.
Nov 22 2021 Архив New: Settings. Added a \"required\" parameter to almost all settings types
New: Creating CleantalkSP\\Updater class.
New: Creating CleantalkSP\\UpdaterScripts class.
New: CleantalkSP\\Updater. New methods.
New: CleantalkSP\\UpdaterSripts. Adding update scripts from inc/spbc-updater.php
New: Trait Templates\\Transaction. Trait performs transaction logic.
New: CleantalkSP\\Updater\\Updater are using the Transaction trait.
New: Layout. Scanner listing tips. Popup tip added to the scanner accordion.
New: Methods in Common\\DB\\SQLSchema.
New: SpbctWP\\DB\\TablesAnalyzer class. Using SQLScheme determines missing and existing tables.
New: SpbctWP\\DB\\TablesCreator class. Creating tables using SQLSchema.
New: SpbctWP\\DB\\ColumnsAnalyzer class.
New: SpbctWP\\DB\\ColumnsCreator class.
New: All tables creating request now handled by \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\DB\\TablesAnalyzer and \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\DB\\TablesCreator classes.
New: Setting.
New: API::security_mscan_logs().
New: Database. Table \'scan_results\'.
New: Scanner. Logic for \'detected_at\' param implemented.
New: Updater. Updater script for 2.76 version.
New: Using new Heuristic\\Controller for Heuristic analysis.
Mod: UpdaterScripts. All SQL-requests considering DB structure  removed.
Mod: Updater checking and restoring integrity of the database each update.
Mod: Deleting spbc-updater.php and all relations.
Mod: Delete spbc_activation__create_tables() function.
Mod: API. \'security_mscan_logs\' method.
Mod: SQL-scheme for \'scan_results\' table.
Fix: Scanner. Counting and downloading plugin and themes hashes.
Fix. Scanner. Outbound links count fixed.
Fix. Scanner. Last scan tile fixed after scanning.
Fix. Scanner. Warnings hides after scanning.
Fix: elementor skip #2.
Fix: Interface. Scanner tab. Always show the next auto scan time if scheduled.
Fix: Settings. Scheduled scan time filed is now required.
Fix: Typos.
Fix: check dir before read in dir_is_empty.
Fix: use of GoogleAuthenticator class.
Fix: Common\\DB\\SQLSchema.
Fix: SpbctWP\\DB\\SQLSchema refactored. All requests are transformed from strings to arrays.
Fix: Firewall update. Table names.
Fix: SQLShema. Moving and renaming sessions table.
Fix: SQLShema. Add index to \'scan_frontend\' table.
Fix: SQLShema. Typo in \'scan_results\' scheme.
Fix: Firewall update. Files delete.
Fix: Settings. \'required\' setting param.
Fix: Scanner. Autostart time.
Fix: Settings. Saving settings.
Fix: Settings API. \"Disabled\" and \"parent dependence\" for the select type.
Fix: Updater::runUpdateScripts().
Fix: Notice in UpdaterScripts::updateTo_2_74_0()
Fix: Settings. Default value for \'scanner__list_unknown__older_than\' setting.
Fix: Settings. Description for \'unknown\' files.
Fix: Logout action wasn\'t logging.
Fix: PHP 8 compatibility.
Refactor: Moving CleantalkSP\\Common\\SQLSchema to CleantalkSP\\Common\\DB\\SQLSchema
Refactor: Moving CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\SQLSchema to CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\DB\\SQLSchema.
Refactor: Add CleantalkSP\\Common\\DBSQLSchema::$schemaTablePrefix.
Refactor: CleantalkSP\\Common\\DB\\SQLSchema.
Refactor: Class ScannerH moved from global namespace to namespace \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWp\\Scanner.
Refactor: Class SpbcCure moved from global namespace to namespace \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWp\\Cure.
Refactor: Class SpbcScannerLinks moved from global namespace to namespace \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWp\\Scanner\\Links.
Refactor: Class SpbcScannerFrontend moved from global namespace to namespace \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWp\\Scanner\\Frontend.
Refactor: Functions from SpbcScanner moved to SpbctWP\\Scanner\\Helper.
Refactor: Class SpbcScanner moved from global namespace to namespace \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWp\\Scanner\\Surface.
Refactor: Scanner. Moving few methods
Refactor: Scanner.
Refactor: Heuristic class.
Delete: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\SQLSchema.php
Nov 08 2021 Архив New: Settings. \"Scan for important directories listing (scanner__important_files_listing) disabled by default.
New: Updater script for 2.75.
New: Scanner. Backend scripts for the \"Check listing\" stage.
New: Scanner. Frontend scripts for the \"Check listing\" stage.
New: Remote calls. \"scanner__check_listing\".
New: Updater. 2.75. New remote call and option \"scanner_listing\" added.
New: Settings. \"Allowed domains\".
New: Updater script for 2.75.
New: Scanner. Frontend. \"Allowed domains\" implemented.
New: Scanner. Frontend. Exclusions for domains implemented.
New: SpbcScannerFrontend::resetCheckResult() method. Clears results of frontend scan.
New: Clears results of the frontend scan once the domains exclusions are changed.
New: Updater. Clear spbc_plugins and spbc_themes options.
New: Scanner. Handling empty spbc_plugins and spbc_themes options.
New: Remote Calls. Added spbc_plugins and spbc_themes to debug remote call.
Mod: Setting. Default value of scanner__frontend_analysis__domains_exclusions.
Mod: Scanner. Getting hashes for plugins and themes revised.
Code: Scanner.php. spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes__plug(). Fixing notices.
Fix: Conflict with Elementor plugin.
Fix: Empty firewall status.
Fix: Scanner. Listing check. Visual fix.
Fix: Scanner. Listing check. Removing debug.
Fix: Error in spbc_scanner_count_hashes_plug().
Fix: Logic error in spbc_scanner_count_hashes_plug().
Fix: require admin_bar.php
Oct 29 2021 Архив New: Settings. Adding hidden option \\\"monitoring__users\\\" for \\\"Administrators online counter\\\".
New: Update script for 2.74.
New: SpbctWP\\\\Firewall::isException().
New: Security Firewall. Exception for Elementor and Elementor Pro form editing.
Mod: Queue. Accepted tries argument implemented.
Mod: Secuirty Firewall. Update. End of update have only one try.
Mod: Queue. Log an error from every try.
Mod: Security Firewall. Error handling added.
Mod: Security Firewall. Exclude for \\\'lc\\\', \\\'loc\\\', \\\'lh\\\' high level domains.
Fix. ScannerH. Detecting T_EVAL for the evaluation removed.
Fix: Server::get_domain().
Fix: get_option( \\\'siteurl\\\' ) replaced with get_option( \\\'home\\\' ).
Fix: Settings. Typos.
Fix: Updater. Wrong function name \\\"spbc_update_to_2_73\\\" renamed to \\\"spbc_update_to_2_73_0\\\".
Fix: Security Firewall. Error handling added.
Fix: WPMS. Error while creating blog.
Fix: Helper::getFilenameFromUrl is public now.
Mod: State::saveAll() save only real settings.
Fix: State. Public $error property.
Fix: SpbctWP\\\\Firewall::isException().
Oct 07 2021 Архив New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\Helper::fs__removeAnything() method.
New: Remote call debug.
New: Debug error type.
New: Skip the heuristic check if script allocated to much memory.
New: Common/Helper::array_reindex(). Re-indexes numeric keys of an array without large memory consumption.
New: spbc_get_source_info_of( $file ).
New: Getting information about file before sending it for analysis.
New: Settings. \\\"List unknown files\\\" setting.
New: Cron. Refactored. Splitted into CleantalkSP/SpbcWP/Cron and CleantalkSP/Common/Cron
New: Cron. Transaction implemented.
New: Remote Call \\\"cron_update_task\\\". Allows to update cron task remotely.
New: Setting. Added an update button to set the cron task to update Security Firewall.
Mod: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\Helper::fs__removeDirectoryRecursively().
Mod: Update script for 2.73.
Mod: Remote calls. Initializing don\\\'t have unnecessary conditions.
Mod: spbc_test_connection() fix response.
Mod: SpbcScannerH uses Helper::array_reindex() instead array_values to re-index an array.
Mod: Renaming \\\"Wordpress\\\" to \\\"WordPress\\\" in all files.
Mod: Malware Scanner is using POST HTTP-method to update instead of GET.
Mod: Remote Calls using any HTTP method instead of GET.
Mod: Security Firewall is using POST HTTP-method to update instead of GET.
Mod: Malware Scanner. Viewing of unknown files depends only from \\\"List unknown files\\\" now.
Mod: All HTTP-requests are using no-cache preset now.
Mod: Remote Calls using any HTTP method instead of GET #2.
Mod: Customize no_cache parameter.
Mod: Settings. Display debug tab on local websites.
Mod: Renaming \\\"Wordpress\\\" to \\\"WordPress\\\" in all files #2.
Fix: Firewall update. Not existing FW table.
Fix: Firewall update. Can not to make FW dir.
Fix: Firewall update. Added the ignoring cache headers and parameter.
Fix: Firewall update. Added the ignoring cache headers and parameter #2.
Fix: spbc-admin.js. Typo in JavaScript function.
Fix: Security Firewall. Brute Force Protection and Traffic Control modules possible fatal errors.
Fix: Security Firewall. Brute Force Protection and Traffic Control modules possible fatal errors #2.
Fix: spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes__approved() was updated due to the large amount of approved files.
Fix: Scanner. Updating hashes for new WordPress version.
Fix: Cron::updateTask().
Fix: Cron::compareSetOfTasks().
Fix: Cron. Start logic.
Fix: Cron. Adding possible missing params to tasks.
Fix: Scanner. spbc-scanner.php spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes__approved(). Wrong imploding arguments.
Fix: Security Firewall. Update. Wrong constant name.
Fix: Scanner. spbc-scanner.php spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes__approved(). Wrong imploding arguments. #2
Fix: Security Firewall. Update. spbc_security_firewall_update__prepare_upd_dir() doesn\\\'t change permissions.
Fix: Helper::array_reindex() considers empty arrays.
Fix: Scanner. Signatures scan amount reduced to 20 due to large number of signatures.
Fix: Settings spelling error in the setting \\\"Collect and send PHP logs\\\".
Fix: Settings. Option \\\"Collect and send PHP logs\\\" was always switched off for non-multisite websites.
Del: Useless param State->data->cron->running.
Aug 30 2021 Архив Mod: Scanner. Removing exclusions from the scan results during prepare stage.
Mod: Firewall update. Splitting big SQL-request in a few.
Mod: Admin-bar. Style for list of online users.
Mod: Frontend Malware Scanner. google.com domain added to exclusions.
Fix: Security log. IPv6 support.
Fix: Firewall. Maintenance mode when updated. No checks during maintenance.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Error while getting plugins and themes hashes.
Fix: Firewall update.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Cleaning from exclusions.
Aug 26 2021 Архив Fix: Google Two-factor Authentication.
Aug 23 2021 Архив New: spbc_wp_timezone_string() function.
New: Settings \"Wordpress Multisite Work Mode\", \"Hoster API key\".
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\State splitted in two CleantalkSP\\Common\\State and CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\State.
New: Plugin is using new State class with new flags.
New: Wordpress Multisite support.
New: Update for 2.72.
New: Adding \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue and \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Queue classes.
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Helper::http__multi_request().
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Helper::getFilenameFromUrl().
New: Queue. Transaction system.
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue->pid.
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue->unstarted_stage.
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue::refreshQueue().
New: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue::hasUnstartedStages().
New: Settings. Deafult \'disabled\' param for field setting type.
New: \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Helper::get_data_from_local_gz().
New: Helper::http__request() low speed time is 10 seconds.
Mod: Admin bar. Show the \"attention\" mark if there are errors or notices.
Mod: Layout. Using prefix \"spbc-\" for icon classes.
Mod: Admin bar. Showing online users logins.
Mod: Admin-bar.
Mod: Settings output.
Mod: spbc-settings.php using \\CleantalkSP\\Variables\\Post class.
Mod: CleantalkSP\\Common\\Helper::ip__get() returning IPv6.
Mod: Run update actions for every blog on the network.
Mod: Deleting useless file attachment.
Mod: Replacing State::save*() methods to State::save().
Mod: Some initilaziang stuff from security-malware-firewall.php moved to CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\State.
Mod: Scanner. Accordion layout.
Mod: Scanner. Don\'t show files from wp-content\\cache in unknown category.
Mod: Firewall update. Don\'t handle errors anymore in remote call.
Mod: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue::isQueueFinished().
Mod: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Queue::isQueueInProgress();
Mod: Firewall update. Complex improvements.
Mod: Firewall update. Error handling.
Mod: Deleting delay when calling spbc_security_firewall_update__init().
Mod: Rename State->fw_stats[\'last_start\'] to State->fw_stats[\'updating_last_start\'].
Fix: Setting allows to prevent collecting of authors logins.
Fix. Admin bar. Show admin bar without api key.
Fix: Scanner. Approve/disapprove bulk actions with \"unknown\" files.
Fix: Google 2FA. Conflicting namespaces. GoogleAuthenticator class using autoload now.
Fix: IPv6 for security log.
Fix: \\CleantalkSP\\Common\\Helper::buffer__parse__csv().
Fix: \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Queue.
Fix: Firewall update.
Fix: PHP warning with mt_rand().
Fix: Helper::http__request() timeout is 15 seconds.
Fix: Firewall update. Deleting files after processing.
Fix: Scnner. Heuristic. Reducing maximum file size to check to 512 KB.
Fix: Firewall update. Separate folder for each blog.
Fix: Settings. Multisite Work Mode. Disabled Hoster API key.
Fix: Debug tab. Connections to servers.
Jul 22 2021 Архив Tested up to Wordpress 5.8.
New: Setting allows to prevent collecting of authors logins.
Fix. SecFW. Getting update period from dns fixed.
Fix. Code. Wrong namespace fixed.
Fix. RC versions of WP supported.
Fix: dns_get_record() possible errors blocked.
Fix: IP-detection for Cloudflare CDN.
Fix: Set cookies on dashboard pages even if the setting is off.
Jul 07 2021 Архив New: New option for \"Set cookies\" - \"Alternative mechanism\".
New: \"Alternative cookies handler type\" setting without interface.
New: Settings API improvements and fixes.
New: Defining table constant for session.
New: Attaching spbc-cookie.js script for public pages.
New: Cookie handler for frontend.
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\RestController class.
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Variables\\AltSessions class.
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Variables\\Cookie class.
New: Security Firewall. FW class. IPv6 support.
New: Helper::ip__get() application.
New: Helper updated to 3.7 version. New ip__* functions added.
New: Security Firewall. SQL-schema for IPv6 support.
Mod: Admin-bar. Deleting \"Dashboard\" link.
Mod: Every cookie operation on backend go via SpbctWP\\Variables\\Cookie.
Mod: Settings templates. Modal window. Added description.
Mod: Allow Security Firewall for secondary blogs on Wordpress Multisite.
Mod: Gray synchronize button.
Mod: Every cookie operations on frontend go via SpbctWP\\Variables\\Cookie.
Upd: Malware scanner. Heuristic analysis improved. #2
Upd: Malware scanner. Heuristic analysis improved.
Upd: Common\\Helper to version 3.6.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Signature module error.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Heuristic module error.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Notification about the errors.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Heuristic scanner.
Fix: Banner about empty key is now dismissible.
Fix: Security Firewall. FIREWALL_IS_ALREADY_UPDATING error deleted.
Fix: Security Firewall. Test IP is prior if given.
Fix: Ipv4 handling.
Fix: Alternative sessions. SQL-schema.
Fix: Security Firewall. SQL-schema for IPv6 support.
Jun 21 2021 Архив New: Requires PHP 5.6.
Fix: Admin bar. Conflict with previous version of Anti-spam by Cleantalk.
Fix: Scanner. Error with get_hashes__approved_files() naming.
Fix: Admin-bar. Counter output.
Fix: Catch an exceptions in scanner.
Fix: Admin bar. Rapid fix.
Fix: Admin bar style. Install link is no longer highlighted.
Fix: Security Firewall update.
New: More quality icons.
Fix: Admin bar style. Style for anti-spam icon.
Fix: New admin bar style. Sorting by alphabet.
Fix: Firewall. Update. Filtering bad data.
Mod: Scanner. Interface. Show scanning results only if the scan was completed without errors.
Mod: Scanner. Interface. Show unknown category only if signature and heuristic analysis are enabled.
Jun 04 2021 Архив Fix: Common/Helper::http__get_headers() fixed.
Fix: MU plugin fixed.
Fix: \"Fix: Common/Helper::http__get_headers() fixed.\"
Mod: Scanner. Showing files without source as \"Unknown\" files.
New: Update. spbc_update__run_sql_for_every_blog().
New: Sending GMT datetime for each event.
Fix: Scanner. Showing files without source as \"Unknown\" files.
Fix: Sending GMT datetime for each event. SQL Schema updated.
New: CleantalkSP\\Common\\Counter class.
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\FirewallCounter class.
New: CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\SecurityCounter class.
Fix: Sending GMT datetime for each event.
Mod: add \'relative\' parameter in admin_url() for getting ajaxurl.
New: Using new Counter class. To count event.
Fix: Increasing interval between updating \'Online user counter\'.
New: New admin bar style.
Fix: New admin bar style.
Fix: Scanner. Adding exception for \'wp-config.php\'.
Fix: Adding user token to link \'View all scan results for this website\'.
Fix: Scanner. Checking response from website.
Fix: spbc_humanize_output() spelling.
Jun 01 2021 Архив Fix: Firewall. Update.
Fix: Firewall. Update. Error \\\"WRONG_UPDATE_ID\\\".
Fix: Firewall update. \\\"FW UPDATE INIT: KEY_EMPTY\\\" error.
May 20 2021 Архив Fix: Firewall. Update.
Fix: Firewall. Update. Skipping even-numbered files.
Fix: Firewall. Update. \"FW UPDATE INIT: KEY_EMPTY\", \"FW UPDATE INIT: KEY_IS_NOT_VALID\" errors.
May 18 2021 Архив New: Scanner. Adding inappropriate includes to the scan.
Mod: Few improvements to Firewall update.
Mod: Firewall. Update. Make current flow update actions if remote call is failing.
Mod: Firewall. Update. Using \'delay\' parameter in RC  instead of using direct sleep();
Mod: Scanner. Performance of \'counting files\' stage improved.
Fix: Security Firewall. MailPoet cron requests skip.
Fix: Firewall updating.
Fix: 2FA and Change Login Page URL conflict.
Apr 30 2021 Архив Revert: Upd: ScannerH. chr() included expressions supported #2.
Apr 29 2021 Архив Revert: Upd: ScannerH. chr() included expressions supported.
New: Update script for 2.66.2.
Apr 29 2021 Архив New: A dev and a fix version suffix support.
New: A dev and a fix version suffix support for update scripts.
Mod: Remote calls. update_settings call. Now handles array setting type.
Upd: ScannerH. chr() included expressions supported.
Fix: Security Firewall update.
Fix: Scanner. Signatures analise fixed.
Apr 22 2021 Архив New: The Security Firewall update system revised.
New: The plugin update system revised.
New: Remote calls. \\\'debug\\\' and \\\'update_security_firewall__worker\\\'.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\RemoteCalls modified to work with \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\RemoteCalls.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\RemoteCalls class. Contains base logic. CMS independent.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\DB::isTableExists(). Checks if the table exists.
New: Update script for 2.66.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\SQLSchema contains get methods.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\SQLSchema contains SQL-requests.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\DNS class. Allows to get with DNS records and theirs different parameters.
Mod: Adminbar minimized.
Mod: security-malware-firewall.php using new SQLSchema class.
Mod: security-malware-firewall.php using new RemoteCalls class.
Mod: CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Upgrader class. Added \\\'install\\\' and \\\'install_strings\\\' methods.
Mod: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host__test() splitted in two http__request__rc_to_host() and http__request__rc_to_host__test().
Mod: replaced the wp_die function with die when issuing the lock page.
Mod: No alert when AJAX error happening.
Fix: The Security Firewall update.
Fix: The Security Firewall update. Additional errors.
Fix: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\SpbctWP\\\\State. Getting data from database.
Fix: Firewall. Update. Delete data from temporary tables if it\\\'s not there.
Fix: Fixed the email recipient when enabling 2FA. Now the recipient of the message is the current user.
Fix: FW. Notices disabled on blocking pages.
Fix: Whitelist IP when login in.
Fix: API class.
Apr 08 2021 Архив New: Admin bar. Firewall counter.
New: Admin bar. Login attempts counter.
New: Admin bar with dynamic online users counter.
New: Setting to disable admin bar.
New: \\\\CleantalkSP\\\\Monitoring\\\\User class.
New: Bulk actions for all files. Supports only \\\'approve\\\' and \\\'disapporve\\\' actions for now.
New: SecFW. Admin IP will be whitelisted automatically.
New: Settings. Description for the settings sections implemented.
New: spbc_update(). Outputs update result stage for every stage.
New: spbc_update__outputResult() function. Outputs update result.
Upd: Settings. Firewall section description added.
Mod: Admin bar. Login attempts counter.
Mod: Settings layout for admin bar changed.
Mod: Bulk actions layout.
Mod: SpbctWP\\\\RemoteCalls::perform() \\\"die\\\" only if something was returned. Every remote call should implement an output and a script stop.
Fix: Admin bar. Settings description.
Fix: Link from admin bar to scanner and support.
Fix: Link from admin bar to dashboard.
Fix: 2FA. Fixes and improvements #2.
Fix: 2FA. Fixes and improvements.
Fix: 2FA. Confirmation code form layout.
Fix: spbc_update(). Lib attachments.
Fix: SpbctWP\\\\Upgrader, SpbctWP\\\\UpgraderSkin, SpbctWP\\\\UpgraderSkin_Deprecated classes using correct namespaces now.
Fix: Exception the FW check for queries with \\\'/favicon.ico\\\' string.
Fix: Do not consider 501 as correct HTTP response code when getting FW data files.
Fix: 2FA settings names.
Fix: 2FA current user email selected by default.
Mar 25 2021 Архив * New: \\CleantalkSP\\SpbctWP\\Cron::getTask(). Get requested task data from option.
* New: 2FA. G2FA logging in implemented.
* New: Services Templates. Functionality implemented.
* Udp: API. API class updated.
* Fix: Remote Calls. Wrapper http__request__rc_to_host() don\'t get an array as expected.
* Fix: Description for setting \"Redirect URL\".
* Fix: Scanner. Automatic start time.
* Fix: Security Firewall. Update.
* Fix: Rename Login Page. \'/\' is available in paths.
* Fix: Rename Login Page. Redirecting to the main page of website by default.
* Fix: Rename Login Page. WPMS websites as subdirectories conflict is fixed.
Mar 04 2021 Архив * New: Setting \"Disable REST API for non-authenticated users\".
* New: Settings for \"Change address to login script\".
* New:: Variables\\Server::isSSL().
* New:: Variables\\Server::getHomeURL().
* Mod: Settings CSS class for middle text field.
* Mod: Firewall. Update. Additional error handling.
* Code: Clentalk\\Helper::ip__resolve__cleantalks(). Minor Fix.
* Fix: IP detection.
* Fix: Frontend Scanner. check__for_anything() method.
* Fix: Firewall. Update. Showing real entries count in the base.
* Fix: SpbctWp\\HelperTest::http__request__rc_to_host(). Check response.
* Fix: Variables\\Server. Small fixes.
* Fix: BFP and 2FA. Properly handles login URL.
* Fix: New login URL. The cycle of redirects.
* Fix: Rename login URL. Compatibility with Brute Force Protection Firewall module.
* Fix: \"Let them know about protection\" feature.
* Fix: Firewall. Modules SQL-requests.
* Fix: DB error while updating signatures.
* Fix: Web Application Firewall. Patterns recognition fix.
* Fix: Frontend Scanner. Adding \'twitter.com\' to exceptions.
* Fix: Signatures receiving.
* Fix: Scanner. Increased timeout for counting files.
* Fix: Logging admin actions. PHP Notice.
* Fix: Variable\'s name typo fixed.
* Fix: 2FA. Code verification on 2fa enabling fixed.
* Fix: Checking admin-side before deleting\\quarantining fixed.
* Fix: Banner for login page fixed.
* Fix: Firewall. Getting FW stats for WPMU from the main blog options.
Feb 03 2021 Архив New: Disable XMLRPC setting.
New: Retry API-request if fails. To the fastest API-server.
New: spbc_bfp_blocked table.
New: Helper::cidr__validate(). Validates CIDR.
New: Hidden settings type.
New: Index for spbc_traffic_control_logs table: log_type and interval start.
New: Cookie::get() by default urldecode all input.
Mod: Firewall Brute Force Protection module. Fixes and improvements.
Mod: Helper::ip__mask_match() check incoming parameters.
Mod: Cron. Do not runs when it already runs.
Mod: Cron::saveTasks() now is static.
Mod: Cron. Fixes.
Mod: BFP settings.
Mod: Firewall. All modules. Additional parameter to prevent caching queries.
Mod: Scanner. Heuristic analysis. Significantly improvements.
Mod: \\\"Disable XMLRPC\\\" setting description.
Fix: FW Class.
Fix: Common\\\\Helper class.
Fix: Heuristic scanner false positives.
Fix: Heuristic scanner. PHP Errors.
Fix: Cron. Minor error.
Fix: Helper::ip__get().
Fix: Heuristic scanner. PHP Errors.
Fix: Additional check when quarantine and deleting files.
Fix: Helper::ip__get() improved performance.
Fix: check for result in api call.
Fix: Cron issue.
Fix: Issue with IP detection.
Fix: CleantalkSP\\\\Common\\\\API::send_request(). Warnings on PHP under 7.1.
Fix: Misspelling in description for \\\"Disable XMLRPC\\\" option.
Fix: Brute Force Protection. Unconditional clear of BFP data used for blocking, fires at login page.
Fix: Typo in code.
Fix: Errors in IP detection.
Fix: SQL-query for spbc_bfp_blocked table.
Fix: Complete deactivation queries.
Fix: Updater script to 2.62.
Fix: Activation SQL request.
Fix: Errors.
Fix: Signatures table name.
Fix: Notice in SpbcScannerH.php.
Jan 29 2021 Архив Fix: Security Firewall. Blocking IPs from personal lists.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. False positives.
Fix: Scanner. Heuristic. PHP Errors.
Mod: Don\'t run scheduled tasks when remote call is performing.
Mod: Mark as infected only critical files.
Mod: Bruteforce protection improvements.
Mod: Cron class. Minor improvements and fixes.
Mod: Improved IP detection.
Mod: Scanner. Quarantine file. Website check.
Mod: Scanner. Heuristic. Search malware in compressed and encoded data.
Minor fixes.
Dec 25 2020 Архив New: Security Firewall update. Fully via remote calls.
Fix: Malware Scanner. Manual start time.
Fix: Scanner. Quarantine file. Fixed the website check.
Fix: Scanner. Rescan with heuristic analysis after the curing.
Fix: Scanner. Additional error handling while curing.
Fix: WPMS. Update firewall on WPMS for secondary blogs.
Fix: WPMS. Getting key on secondary blogs on WPMS.
Fix: WPMS. Protection status on daughter blogs with admin key.
Fix: Firewall. WAF. File check in upload interface.
Fix: Firewall update.
Fix: Firewall. Deleting data tables for secondary blogs on WPMS.
Fix: Updater script. From 2.57 and higher.
Fix: Plugin conflicts.
Minor fixes.
Dec 08 2020 Архив Fix: Firewall.
Dec 07 2020 Архив New: Security Firewall. Notification about the updating with percentages.
New: Security Firewall updating with temporary tables. No more passed bots while updating local base.
Mod: Security Firewall. No more delay before the Security Firewall update.
Mod: Malware Scanner. Remove wp-config.php from exceptions.
Fix: Modal window with GDPR compliance text.
Fix: Automatic upgrader.
Fix: Spelling in settings.
Nov 26 2020 Архив Fix: Synchronize button.
Fix: Using API key on Wordpress Multisite.
Nov 25 2020 Архив New: Synchronize via AJAX when saving settings.
New: Full text tooltips. For long data in tables.
New: Reload the accordion with the scan result after scan without reloading the whole page.
New: Security Firewall log additional parameters.
Mod: Malware Scanner. Logging actions with files. Adding date to the scanner log.
Fix: Synchronization on the daughter blogs.
Fix: Possible PHP Notice when settings saved.
Fix: Saving settings on Wordpress Multisite (WPMS).
Fix: Curing the file. Leaving the comment in file after the cure.
Fix: 'bad params' error while sending scan results.
Minor fixes and improvements.
Nov 25 2020 Архив Fix: Error on PHP lower 5.5.
Fix: Set warning status for report only if critical found.
Fix: Firewall update.
Nov 12 2020 Архив Fix: FW table direct access fixed.
Fix: Personal and Countries tables creation fixed.
Fix: Error on PHP lower 5.5.
Fix: Security firewall query.
Nov 05 2020 Архив Fix: Security firewall false positives.
Nov 02 2020 Архив Fix: Firewall. Operating with IPs on 32 bit systems.
New: Log for scanner.
Mod: New structure for Firewall tables.
Fix: Firewall updating. Error handling.
Fix: Double firewall update at a time.
Fix: Firewall update.
Oct 15 2020 Архив New: Popup tips for actions with files.
Fix: FW update. Error output.
Fix: Antispam key usage.
Fix: \"Deprecated\" notice.
Oct 06 2020 Архив * Fix: spbc_scanner_get_remote_hashes__plug() spelling.
* Fix: Handling errors in FW update.
* Fix: Approved files do not depends from the path.
* Fix: Community approved files marks as 'OK'.
* New: State::error_toggle method.
* New: Cron flag.
* Mod: Firewall update. Store errors even if in remote calls.
* Fix: reset update sec fw last call on settings save.
* Mod: spbc_log() writing all passed messages.
* Fix: State::error_toggle().
* New: Remote call "check_website".
* Mod: Firewall update system.
* Mod: spbc_log() improved.
* Mod: FireWall_database::query() returns original result.
* Mod: RemoteCalls no exception for cooldown.
* Mod: Firewall updating revised.
* Fix: Error about wrong api key fixed.
* Fix: FireWall updating error fixed.
* Fix: Remote calls will be fixed while updating the plugin.
* Fix: Undefined variable fixed.
* Fix: BFP - unnecessary message removed.
* Fix: WAF checking output fixed.
* Upd: Error codes reverted into readable strings.
* New: Remote calls. New test parameter.
* Fix: Deleting cron error for firewall update when update is over.
* Fix: Firewall local exclusions moved to separate function.
* Fix: Moving to the quarantine fixed.
* Fix: FW updating (exclusions) fixed.
* Fix: WAF files checking for non-admin users fixed.
Oct 01 2020 Архив * Fix: Error output for the approve file action.
* Fix: Separate update firewall in two calls to avoid duplicates.
* Fix: Send PHP logs. Stop collecting logs if execution time more 25 seconds.
* Fix: Approving files. SQL query.
* Fix: CSV parsing. Trim data before parsing.
* Fix: Heuristic. Converting chr("NN") to a character.
* New: Helper::buffer__parse__nsv() - parse newline-separated values.
* Fix: Scanner directories exceptions. Using \n instead \r\n to separate it.
* Fix: Approved category SQL query.
* Fix: FW update. The internal array pointer handling.
* Fix: Using dns_get_record function with @.
* Fix: Possible zero default time period value.
* Fix: Error handling in SpbcScanner::get_hashes__plug().
Aug 25 2020 Архив * Fix: Condition for FireWall working changed.
* Fix: 2fa option fixed.
* Fix: Some cookies installation fixed.
* New: Universal method to cookies setting up implemented.
* Fix: WP 5.5 JS errors fixed.
* Fix: Rebuild url for SecFW updating process.
* Fix: Async request timeout increased.
* Fix: TC block period fixed.
* Fix: TC limit fixed.
* Upd: Display plugin version on the statistics tab.
* Fix: Display correct links count in table.
* Fix: Scanner exceptions.
* Readme: MU-plugin description added to FAQ.
* New: Exception for directories in scanner.
Jul 23 2020 Архив * Upd: WP 5.5 compatibility updated.
* Fix: BFP results uotput fixed.
* Upd: Decoding paths updated.
* Upd: passed_ip notice fixed.
* Fix: Set previous status and severity when restoring file.
* Fix: Sucury headers.
Jul 03 2020 Архив * New: New option to set autoscan manual time.
* Fix: FirewallData and send logs updating mechanism.
* Fix: PHP notices fixed.
* Fix: Creating tables fixed.
* Fix: Debug output fixed.
Jun 15 2020 Архив Fix: PHP logs collect issues.
Fix: Frontend scanner display line.
Fix: Display error on disabled keys.