Все версии плагина CleanTalk для безопасности WordPress, страница 3 из 4

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Jun 01 2020 Архив * Fix: Outbound links - detect regular expression fixed.
* Fix: Outbound links - edit post action fixed.
* Fix: Typo fixed.
* Fix: Notice fixed.
* Fix: Frontend scanner. Exceptions processing.
May 27 2020 Архив * Fix: Checking website availability before deleting any files.
* New: Hints about scanner actions added.
* Mod: FireWall structure modified.
* Upd: BruteForce protection updated.
* Mod: Reducing logs reading depth.
* Fix: Bulk action 'Send' name fixed.
* Mod: Signatures. Accept regular expressions with # delimiter.
* Fix: The Firewall updating. Wrong mask calculating.
* Fix: Frontend scanner. Do not track subdomains.
May 27 2020 Архив * Fix: Cure by regex fixed.
* Fix: Check regex signatures by the frontend scanner.
* Fix: Unslash signatures coming from API.
* Fix: Signatures scanning fixed.
* Fix: Detecting regular expression fixed.
* Fix: Login notification form layout fixed.
* Fix: Checking account status for all blogs when updates to 2.48.
* Fix: Frontend scanner line detection fix for drive by download malware.
* Fix: Exceptions for the frontend malware scanner.
* Upd: SecFW query updated.
* New: Frontend scanner capable to use regular expressions in malware signatures.
* New: Possibility to use regular expressions in signatures cure.
* New: Possibility to use regular expressions in signatures scan.
* Fix: Trait usage fixed.
* Fix: Frontend scanner view and view bad code actions.
Apr 30 2020 Архив * Fix: Notices fixed.
* Fix: Cure fixed.
* Fix: FrontEnd scanner fixed - checking DOMDocument class.
* Revert: Partitioning for count files reverted.
* New: Using regular expression signatures to search.
* Fix: Firewall. Fatal error
* Fix: ScannerFrontend_scanContent could work without URL exceptions.
* Mod: AJAX requests. Sending random value to disable caching on backend.
* Mod: Increase timeout for all API methods from 5 to 12 seconds.
* Fix: Quarantine error text fixed.
* Fix: PHP error checking fixed.
Apr 23 2020 Архив * Fix: FrontEnd scanner fixed.
* Fix: Signature scanning.
* Fix: API notices fixed.
* Fix: Scanner sending results fixed.
* Fix: Frontend scanner.
* Fix: Scanner descriptors count fixed.
* Fix: Scanner exclusion fixed.
* Fix: API key notices fixed.
* Mod: Adding database error handling on firewall updates.
* New: Autoloader added.
* Fix: Scanner several fixes.
* New: Frontend scanner with signatures.
* Fix: Showing edit post link after switching table.
* Upd: Update lib classes.
* New: Partitioning for the scanner implemented.
* Fix: 2FA confirmation email fixed.
* New: Add edit post link for outbound links.
* Fix: Delete the signatures update error if action is succeed.
* Fix: URL path for images under HTTPS protocol.
* Code: Delete unused.
* Fix: Variables class implemented.
Apr 09 2020 Архив https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/security-malware-firewall.2.46.2.zip
Apr 07 2020 Архив New: Complex strings deobfuscating.
New: Setting “Additional headers on public pages” X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection.
New: Scanner action. Comparing modified file with original.
Mod: Clear errors when renew banner is shown.
Mod: Search for “assert” function by heuristic scanner.
Mod: Exclude the require/include instructions file check for existence if code already check it via “file_exists” function.
Mod: Disable 2 factor authorization by default.
Security: Fix DDoS venerability.
Security: Prevent possible execution for backuped file.
Fix: View file action for quarantine category.
Fix: Spelling.
Fix: Possible error while signatures updating.
Fix: Exception for class members with functions similar to bad constructs.
Fix: Displaying path of the backuped file.
Fix: Backup files only with signatures with curing instructions.
Fix: Signature scan.
Fix: Search PHP errors on page.
Fix: Frontend scanner.
Mar 20 2020 Архив Fix: Firewall priority.
Fix: Security Firewall update.
New: Synchronize button.
New: Cloud web application firewall signatures.
Mar 03 2020 Архив * Fix: Auto-update for some banner notifications.
* Fix: SecurityFireWall issues with large data updating.
* New: View code in Frontend Malware.
* Fix: Update class namespaces.
* Fix: Deleting posts meta when complete deactivation is enabled.
Feb 13 2020 Архив Fix: Namespace issues.
Jan 24 2020 Архив Fix: WAF for subsites fixed.
Jan 21 2020 Архив Fix: WAF for subsites fixed.
Fix: Settings title fixed (Website mirrors -> Links Scanner Exclusions).
Fix: Backups tab fixed.
Upd: Lib class SpbcCure updated.
New: Checking email receiving possibility for activation 2FA.
Fix: Statistics tab updated.
Jan 13 2020 Архив Fix: Settings layout.
Fix: Issue with Traffic Control.
New: Setting for Traffic Control "Block Time".
Nov 06 2019 Архив Auth log - secure cookies mechanism implemented instead of sessions.
Minor improvements and bug fixes.
Oct 07 2019 Архив Fix: PHP Error
Oct 04 2019 Архив Fix: WRONG_MIME_FORMAT error.
Oct 04 2019 Архив New: Stop using file_get_content for scanner.
Fix: Security malware scanner fix.
Require: PHP above 5.4.0.
Sep 05 2019 Архив Security and logging improved.
Fix: Scheduled frontend scanner.
Fix: Do not send only modified files.
Mod: Row actions. New way of light up.
New: Adjustable block timer.
Aug 28 2019 Архив Fix: JS String prototype modification.
Fix: Error using gzopen on some systems.
Fix: API key validation.
Aug 08 2019 Архив Fix: Minor fixes.
Fix: PHP logs sending.
Fix: JS error while scanning.
Fix: Two-factor authorization.
Fix: Interface minor fixes.
Fix: Approved category is back.
New: Option allowing to use built in Wordpress HTTP API.
New: Two-factor authorization when using new device.
New: Monitoring themes and plugins versions.
New: Warning about outdated plugins.
New: Do not scan outdated files.
Aug 01 2019 Архив Fix: Two-factor authentification.
Fix: Settings JavaScript attachment.
Fix: PHP Notices.
Fix: API class.
Fix: Front-end scanner.
New: Set two-factor authentification for specific users groups.
New: Option to forbid show site in iframes.
Jul 04 2019 Архив Mod: Security scanner improved.
Fix: DB error when scanning while deactivation.
New: Amount of sent PHP logs in statistics.
New: Frontend scanner.
Jun 24 2019 Архив Fix: Spelling.
Fix: JavaScript error in plugin settings.
Fix: Two-factor authentification for names with spaces.
New: CSS and JS minified.
Jun 06 2019 Архив New: Start scan link in plugin list.
Fix: Quarantine category output database error.
Fix: spbc_scanner_count_files__by_status(). Bad query.
New: Possibility to check server connection, if any CONNECTION_ERROR exists.
Mod: User-agent standartized.
May 22 2019 Архив Mod: Use extended way to determ website IP. Put it in whitelist.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Scanner library initialization.
Fix: Amount of scanned files after scan.
Fix: Displaying "unknown" category.
Fix: "View bad code" action.
Fix: Cron scanning.
May 01 2019 Архив Fix: Heuristic. Maximum file size to check 512 KB.
Fix: Fatal error during links scanning.
Mod: Updating signatures when saving settings.
Add: New SQL-injection.
Apr 29 2019 Архив Fix: Traffic Control.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Sanitizing key.
Fix: Error handling
Apr 24 2019 Архив New: Web Application Firewall. Exploit check.
Mod: Don't stop scan if a lot of file are found.
Mod: Error handilng rewised. Storing in new spbc_errors option.
Mod: Error output rewised.
Mod: New way of recieving signatures.
Fix: Heuristic scanning nonexistent files.
Fix: Settings decription.
Fix: Heuristic and signature scan.
Fix: Scanner scheduled scanning.
Fix: Limit of log amonunt set to 3500 entries.
Mar 20 2019 Архив Fix: Error when scanning.
Mod: Translations.
Mar 15 2019 Архив Fix: 2fa. Using user login instead urlencoded display_name.
Fix: FW blocking remote_calls for SPBCT or APBCT plugins.
New: Backups.
Mod: Personal firewall lists is prioritized before regular.
New: Long description for settings.
Fix: Autocuring.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Link to dashboard.
Fix: Firewall errors.
Mod: PHP logs. Reducing amount of reading data.
New: Sending data about missed plugins\themes versions.
Fix: mkdir() when dir is already exists.
Feb 14 2019 Архив Fix: PHP logs. Collecting "parse" errors now.
Fix: Do not scan forbidden files. Fixing 'unknown files array values bad' error.
Fix: Show file only once in scan result.
Fix: Sending role when 2fa_authentificate event.
Adjustment: 2fa key lifetime increased to 10 minutes.
New: IP detection improved.
New: PHP logs collecting revised.
Jan 29 2019 Архив Fix: WPMS deactivation. Error when deactivating plugin.
Fix: PHP logs sending: EMPTY_LOGS errors.
Fix: Admin block on public pages by Traffic Control.
New: Two factor athorization function.
Fix: Spelling.
Add: Web Application Firewall file check now supports multiple file uploading.
Jan 16 2019 Архив Fix: Correct IP mask detection.
Fix: Website's address added to exclusion.
Fix: Settings page. Unworking JS.
Fix: PHP notice for backend logs function.
Fix: MU-plugin fix.
Add: New error type "PHP logs".
Dec 24 2018 Архив Fix: Malware scanner error while scanning incorrect symbols.
Fix: Exclusion for SERVER_ADDR IP to protect from DDoS.
Fix: WPMS: Disabling complete deactivation and send php logs for secondary blogs.
New: WPMS: Enabling security scanner on WPMS for main blog.
Fix: WPMS: Setting page on secondary blogs.
Fix: Empty JS error in plugin settings.
Fix: MU-Plugin installation.
New: Plugin activation and deactivation hooks rebuilt.
Dec 17 2018 Архив Fix: Collecting PHP logs.
Dec 13 2018 Архив New: Collecting PHP logs.
Fix: Fatal error for PHP 5.3 or lower.
Fix: Scanner categories layout.
Dec 07 2018 Архив New: Security scanner action «Replace with original» now works for plguin’s files.
New: Auto curing for known malware option.
Layout: View related email with account on settings page.
Oct 25 2018 Архив Fix: Large cron fix.
Add: Signature Analysis.
Layout: Scanner tab: Added next scan time. Less categories.
Plenty of minor improvements.
Security functions improved.
Oct 11 2018 Архив Add: Firewall: Title and Test Title on the security firewall die page.
Fix: Web Application FireWall: Check uploaded files.
Fix: Firewall: False positives alarms of DDoS preventions system.
Fix: Firewall: Call of missing mime_content_type() function.
Layout: Minor fixes.
Sep 28 2018 Архив Mod: Malware Scanner: Scan file before send it for analysis.
Mod: Malware Scanner: Check if the scanner’s table exists before scan.
Mod: Malware Scanner: Detect “.name”-like folders and files.
Mod: Settings: Showing triggered pattern for WAF. (Only for the file upload check)
Mod: Notification about blocked file added to upload.php page.
Security functions improved.
Minor fixes.
Sep 13 2018 Архив Fix: Security FireWall update Improved.
Mod: Auto update function improved.
Minor fixes.
Aug 30 2018 Архив Fix: Infinite scanner work on PHP 7.
Fix: Link to auto-update function description.
Fix: Blocking the error message on Authorization page.
Fix: Security FireWall update.
Fix: Default setting "XSS check" in Web Application FireWall.
Fix: Malware Scanner: reduced false positives.
Fix: Complete deactivation option.
Mod: Detection of FireWall false positives connected with CDN cache.
Aug 22 2018 Архив Fix: 'Replace with original file' now deletes entry in log.
Mod: Added hints to some table columns.
Mod: New Outbound links scanner.
Mod: More efficient notification at login page.
Mod: More detailed log in Security Firewall.
Minor error fixes.
Aug 08 2018 Архив Fix: Blocking images from loading.
Fix: Modal window for “View bad code” action.
Fix: PHP warning on login page.
Mod: Disabling Traffic Control for logged in users.
Mod: Remove ‘Send for analysis’ action from Approved category.
Mod: Execution order raised.
Jul 27 2018 Архив Fix: Web Application Firewall: False positives.
Jul 26 2018 Архив Add: Must-Use plugin. Installation. Deinstallation.
Add: Web Application Firewall.
Add: XSS-atack detection module for WAF.
Add: SQL-injections detection module for WAF.
Add: Uploaded file checker module for WAF.
Add: Reason of blocking on the block page.
Improvement: Heuristic analysis + errors fix.
Improvement: Firewall immediate update for remote calls.
Fix: Issue with short php tags “
Jul 17 2018 Архив IP detection fixed and improved.
Jul 09 2018 Архив Mod: Using plugins and themes hashes (better detection).
Mod: “Compromised” category is renamed to “Modified”.
Mod: Heuristic is switched on by default.
Fix: Spelling.
Fix: Cloud Flare IP detection.
Jun 28 2018 Архив Added: Approved category.
Added: Async Security Firewall update.
Fix: WPMS: Empty Traffic Control log.
Fix: IPv6 normalization in x-forwarded-for and x-real-ip headers.
Plenty of minor fixes.
Jun 04 2018 Архив Add: Malware Scanner: Quarantine function.
Add: Malware Scanner: Action’s warnings.
Add: Links Scanner: Cloud integration.
Minor bug fixes.