Jun 22 2022 |
Архив |
#### Email Encoder functionality improved, SFW updating process improved and some minor issues fixed.
* New. EmailEncoder.php->modifyContent. Admins and logged in exclusions.
* Fix. Email encoder. Prevent encoding data for logged in users.
* Fix. Queue. Return statement from executeStage() method added.
* Fix. SFW. Updating process fixed.
* Fix. SFW. SFW update worker fixed.
* Mod: Using the shutdown hook to call a function ct_contact_form_validate().
* Fix. apbct_sfw_update__worker. Clear errors if stage is finished.
* Fix. HTTP lib. Useragent for WP HTTP API requests fixed.
* Fix. cleantalk_external. Exclusion for tp.media booking forms.
* Fix. cleantalk_external. Exclusion for flodesk forms.
* Mod: Replace apbct_update_actions() to upgrader_process_complete hook
* Fix. cleantalk_external.js->ct_protect_external(). Exclusion for tp.media booking forms.
* Fix. RemoteCalls. No cache parameter added.
* Fix. apbct_remove_upd_folder(). Force unknown file deletion (\\\\\\\'.last.jpegoptim\\\\\\\')
* Fix. apbct_remove_upd_folder(). Add chek if a strange file is a file and exists.
* Fix. GetFieldsAny.php. Decode email if it is urlencoded.
* Fix. cleantalk-public-validate.php. Add JS check to public forms.
* Mod: Refactoring User Scanner
* Fixed apbct_cookies_test cookie
* Upd. JS. Cookies has_scrolling and mouse_moved optimized.
* Upd. Email encoder. Links mailto: processed. |
Jun 06 2022 |
Архив |
#### Comment moderation option added, cookies prefix added, RemoteCalls stability improved and some minor issues fixed.
* New. Options. Comment moderation option added on discussion page.
* New. Settings. Encode contact data long description added.
* New. Cookies. Getting prefix function implemented.
* New. Cookies. Get and set cookies with prefix.
* New. Cookies. Using cookie prefix on client code.
* Mod: Created RemoteCallsCounter::class to limit remote calls
* Mod: Created RemoteCallsLogger::class for logging last remote calls
* Upd. Comments. Comment moderation logic modified.
* Fix: webto.salesforce.com extended form
* Fix. SFW. Statistics fixed.
* Fix: secure2.convio.net external
* Fix: hookb.in external
* Fix: fixed test for wpforms
* Fix. Pluggable. Getting REST url fixed.
* Fix: Formidable Pro Multistep Fixed
* Fix: Formidable Form Pro ajax response - fixed
* Fix. Settings. Alternative cookies option renamed.
* Fix. Common. Cookies test function fixed.
* Fix. External forms. JS logic fixed.
* Fix. External forms. Force ajax check action handler added.
* Fix. cleantalk.php. VisualFormBuilder hook change.
* Delete RC update plugin
* Fix. cleantalk.php. Visual Form Builder integration: add legacy support.
* Fix. Helper. Fatal error (Call to private method) fixed.
* Fix. WooCommerce. WC checking order hook changed.
* Fix. Settings. Validate URL exclusions.
* Fix. cleantalk-public-integrations.php->apbct_form__gravityForms__testSpam. Gravity forms multiple email fields fix.
* Fix. SFW updating. Writing update errors fixed.
* Fix. cleantalk.php-> apbct_sfw_update__worker() Convert errors array to a string if set in a stage. |
May 30 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix. EmailEncoder.php. Fix accident encoding. |
May 19 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix. Pluggable. Getting REST url fixed. |
May 19 2022 |
Архив |
#### New integration added, honeypot fields added and some minor issues fixed.
* New. Integration. NextendSocialLogin integration implemented.
* New: Exclusions validation in apbct_settings__sanitize__exclusions().
* New. WPDiscuz integration. Now sends sender_url. Integrations.php now ready to process sender_url.
* New. Common. Headless parameter added.
* Upd. Integration. A honeypot field was added for the CF7 integration.
* Upd. Integration. A honeypot field was added for the WPForms integration.
* Fix. Common. Prevent double json encoding for source_url.
* Fix. SFW. SFW results priority depends by network mask.
* Fix: Excluded visible fields for AvadaFormBuilder
* Fix: honeypot fixed
* Fix. Forms. Prevent generating a honeypot field if such option is disabled.
* Fix: Fixed external forms
* Exclusion fields descritpions update.
* Fields exclusion input changed to textarea to keep visual identity with URL exclusion.
* Fix. After review. Removed condition on exclusions array slicing. Functions order changed.
* Fix. WPDiscuz integration. Now tries to get email, nick and message directly from POST. If unsuccessful then runs get_fields_any.
* Fix: Optimize and fixed user scanner
* Fix. JS. Using ajax for getting JS key is disabled by default.
* Fix. Common. Custom ajax logic removed.
* Fix. Settings. Now templated settings applies to sub-sites on the first save.
* Fix: FixTeam integration - removed visible fields
* Fix. apbct_settings__sanitize__exclusions(). Checking input params types.
* Fix. Settings. Url/fields exclusion validating fixed.
* Fix: Fusion Avada Form Builder Fixed
* Fix: External form fix for infusionsoft |
May 14 2022 |
Архив |
WP 6.0 compatibility, Email Encoder added, Common HTTP API implemented, Honeypot fields improved and some minor issues fixed.
New. Email Encode functionality added.
New. cleantalk-common.php. Honeypot field value and source now sends in sender_info.
New. ct_preprocess_comment(). Honeypot field source now sends in sender_info.
New. HTTP API. Common CleanTalk http library added.
New. Public integrations. Honeypot field for search form.
New. WP 6.0 compatibility.
Fix: EZ Form Calculator - clearing the message
Fix. Common. Checking all post data fixed.
Imp. Settings. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Hide website\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" field moved to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"different\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" section.
Imp. Settings. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Hide website\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" type changed to checkbox from radio.
Imp. Settings. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Honeypot field\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" state changed to enabled by defaults.
Mod: Integration for Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro - registration form
Fix. Custom ajax. Custom ajax handler usage removed completely.
Fix: Excluded the addition of visible fields in filter of The Events Calendar
Fix. cleantalk-common.php. Added search honeypot field signature to potential honeypot fields post values
Fix: MultiStep Checkout for WooCommerce - skipped step validation
Ref. cleantalk-public-integrations.php. Empty string converts to false - comparison removed.
fix: apbct_get_rest_url - returns the result of a get_rest_url() function if it exists
Mod: modified getting pixel_url.
Fix. apbct_init. Reduce multiple direct calls of apbct_get_pixel_url__ajax.
Fix: Cleantalk\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\HTTP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Request. Timeout error while async request.
Fix. HTTP API. Process exception passed from WordPress \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Requests class.
Fix. Cleantalk. Antispam class fixed.
Fix. API. Common API class fixed.
Fix. Comments checker. Pagination fixed.
Fix. Common. CleanTalk service request excluded. |
Apr 18 2022 |
Архив |
#### Integration added, typos fixed, user scanner improved and minor issues fixed.
* New. Integration. Events Manager plugin integration implemented.
* New. Code. New validate classes.
* New. Code. New validate sub-classes in ApbctWP.
* Upd. Readme. One more AntiSpam feature added.
* Mod: PlansoFormBuilder integration
* Fix. External forms. Capturing buffer fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Simple Ajax Chat sending fixed.
* Fix. Exclusions. Special flag to prevent exclusions implemented.
* Fix. Getting key errors handle.
* Fix. Getting key error output fixed.
* Fix: Added VFB_Pro integration
* Fix. Settings api. Long description for text fields implemented.
* Fix. Settings. Long description for hoster api key removed.
* Fix. Settings. Long descriptions UTM marks fixed.
* Fix. Comments checker. Dates ranges fixed.
* Fix. Code. Core based JqueryUI use on users/comments checking page.
* Fix. Code. Moderate API answer fixed.
* Fix. Code. Including assets fixed.
* Fix. Text. Typos on company brand terms fixed.
* Fix: Glitched redirect after plugin activation.
* Fix. Settings. Hoster Access Key long description mark removed.
* Fix: Filter visible fields for AvadaFormBuilder
* Fix. Code. Using wrappers for calling global variables.
* Fix. Code. Cookie secure attribute fixed.
* Fix. Code. Refactoring the user scanning engine.
* Fix. Cookie. Getting cookies fixed.
* Upd. Settings. SFW long description added.
* Upd. Localization. SFW, AC, AF titles is not localized now.
* Fix. Common. Collecting visited urls fixed.
* Fix. Integration. JP contact form checking JS fixed.
* Fix. Integration. CF7 form checking JS fixed. |
Mar 28 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix: Comments/Users scanner fixed. |
Mar 07 2022 |
Архив |
#### Honeypot field implemented for improving antispam protection, new integrations added, performance improved and minor issues fixed.
* New. Honeypot field for the registration form.
* New. Integration. Added Visual Form Builder Integration without Ajax.
* New. Integration. GiveWP integration implemented.
* Upd. Code. Helper::ipGet() improved.
* Upd. Settings. Honeypot setting modified.
* Fix: Formidable Integration Refactoring.
* Fix. Integration. Fusion Avada Form Builder output fixed.
* Fix. Settings. Honeypot setting descriptions fixed.
* Fix: Skipped WP Booking System Premius service requests
* Fix. Exclusion. Checkout For WC - service requests skip.
* Fix. Comments checker. Found comments displaying optimized.
* Fix: visible fields was excluded form custom form. |
Feb 21 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix: Fixed Fusion Builder Avada Form integration
* Fix: Fixed CF7 visible fields
* New. Updating system modified.
* Fix: Fixed apbct_store__urls()
* Fix. Updating system. Source url template fixed.
* Fix. Updating system. Redundant errors handling removed.
* New. Integration. WS-Forms integration implemented.
* Fix. Settings. Long description mark fixed.
* Upd. Settings. Set cookies setting long description added.
* Upd. Settings. Hide website field setting long description added.
* Upd. Settings. Anti-Crawler setting long description added.
* Fix. Settings. Long description mark for checkboxes fixed.
* Upd. Settings. Anti-Flood setting long description added.
* Upd. Settings. CleanTalk Pixel setting long description added.
* Mod: Replaced the is_super_admin() function with its own apbct_is_super_admin(
* Fix. Settings. Settings hints fixed.
* Upd. Ajax. Nonce lifetime constant added.
* Fix. Integration. Elementor pro forms integration fixed #2.
* Fix: Formidable Forms - fixed spam protection without JS
* Fix. Settings. Hints links contain UTM marks. |
Feb 13 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix. Comments/Users checker. Date ranges validation fixed. |
Feb 13 2022 |
Архив |
* Fix: Excluded standard WordPress search form from apbct-public.min.js
* Fix. Common. ct_contact_form_validate moved to the init hook.
* Fix. Exclusions. XML-RPC request removed from the filtering.
* Fix. Comments/users checker. Values for dates range validating.
* Fix. Comments/users checker. Values of dates range for resuming scanner validating. |
Feb 06 2022 |
Архив |
#### Visible fields processing modified, many excepted requests are skipped, SFW compatibility with a cache fixed and minor issues fixed.
* New. Exclusions. Excluded some service requests from checking but log them with exception flag.
* Upd. Visible fields. Storing visible fields into an input.
* Upd. Visible fields. Visible fields processing modified.
* Upd. Visible fields. Replacing redundant service field.
* Fix: SFW. Caching block page prevented.
* Fix: Skip. Entry Views plugin service requests.
* Fix: Antispam. Ajax checking moved to the plugins_loaded hook.
* Fix: Skip. APBCT plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. Vault Press (JetPack) plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. GridBuilder plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. Woo Gift Wrapper plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. iThemes Security plugin service requests.
* Fix: Settings. Using new API key when sending local settings to the cloud.
* Fix. Integration. Registration form of eMember plugin.
* Fix. Exception action. Xmlrpc requests skipped.
* Fix. Integration. Elementor pro forms integration fixed.
* Fix: Excluded from the test the standard check for Formidable Form Plugin in some situations
* Fix: Skip. Microsoft Azure Storage plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. AdRotate plugin service requests.
* Fix: Skip. Super admin requests.
* Fix: Fixed the block message for HappyForms
* Fix: Excluded the form of WP Time Slots Booking Form from apbct_ready() |
Jan 24 2022 |
Архив |
#### One integrations added, CleanTalk pixel functionality fixed and minor issues fixed.
* Mod: Added Ova Login Integration. Registrations under protection
* Fix. Common. is_trackback() notice fixed.
* Fix: Removed the exeption for Quick Contact Form from ct_contact_form_validate()
* Fix: Moved the function apbct_settings__get_ajax_type() to cleantalk-pluggable.php to fix the plugin activation error via the CLI
* Fix: Fixed errors in apbct-public.js
* Fix: Cleared notice_incompatibility if SFW disabled
* Fix. AC. Antibot cookie fixed.
* Fix. Pixel. Auto mode fixed.
* Fix. JS. Checking JS via ajax fixed.
* Fix. Pixel. Getting pixel url from backend fixed. |
Jan 10 2022 |
Архив |
#### Comments protection fixed.
* Fix. Comments. Comments form without email field protection fixed.
* Fix. Pluggable. Is trackback checking function added.
* Fix. Exception arg. Not set the flag to the comments and trackbacks.
* Fix. Forms protection. Prevent handle the trackback request by contact_form_validate. |
Dec 28 2021 |
Архив |
#### Improved compatibility with Varnish cache, visible_fields cookies fixed and some minor issues fixed.
* New. Options. Set cookie option \"Auto\" mode added.
* New. State. New property data[cookies_type] added.
* Fix. State. Set cookie option set on \"Auto\" by default.
* Fix. Activation. Select ajax handler during the plugin activation.
* Fix. API. Async logic added.
* Fix. State. Varnish cache detection fixed.
* Fix. API. Method calling service_update_local_settings is async now.
* Fix. Visible fields. Prevent generating more than 10 visible fields cookies.
* Fix: Disabling the cache when activating the plugin
* Fix: Setting the parameter of ipMaskLongToNumber to an integer
* Fix: fixed error in js script |
Dec 23 2021 |
Архив |
#### Direct integrations protection fixed.
* Fix: Prevent logging excluded requests on the direct integrations.
* Fix: Integration. Comment type The7 integration fixed.
* Fix. Log excluded. Skip logging PopUp Builder service action.
* Fix. Log excluded. Skip logging Cleantalk Security service action. |
Dec 21 2021 |
Архив |
#### One integrations added, some skipped requests will be logged, cookies optimized and minor issues fixed.
* New. Get key. A filter to changing an email to get the key implemented.
* New. Log exclusions. Option for logging excluded request implemented.
* New. Integration. Formidable Pro integration added.
* New. Integration. Smart forms integration added.
* Upd. Get key. email_filtered parameter added.
* Upd: Antispam. Prevent skip requests without emails.
* Upd: Antispam. Prevent skip requests trusted users.
* Mod: Implementation of sending plugin settings to service_update_local_settings
* Fix. Antispam. Exception action argument fixed.
* Fix. Antispam. Preventing catch RC requests.
* Fix. Antispam. Preventing catch website search requests.
* Fix. Setting templates. Get templates only after manual getting key.
* Fix. Admin notices. Notice about getting key removed.
* Fix. Getting key. Get the right email for gathering the key.
* Fix. Exception action. Send ajax requests without email to the cloud.
* Fix. Exception action. Prevent catching admin-side requests.
* Fix. Exception action. Send ajax requests without email to the cloud.
* Fix. Exception action. Prevent catching admin-side requests.
* Fix. Log exclusions. Skip checking excepted requests if the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Log excluded requests\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" option is disabled.
* Fix. Antispam. Remove unnecessary cookie from requests.
* Fix. Visible fields. Collecting visible fields only for unique forms on the page.
* Fix: excluded some action for Ninja Form from spamtest.\\\\\\\' #### One integrations added|| some skipped requests will be logged|| cookies optimized and minor issues fixed.
* New. Get key. A filter to changing an email to get the key implemented.
* New. Log exclusions. Option for logging excluded request implemented.
* New. Integration. Formidable Pro integration added.
* New. Integration. Smart forms integration added.
* Upd. Get key. email_filtered parameter added.
* Upd: Antispam. Prevent skip requests without emails.
* Upd: Antispam. Prevent skip requests trusted users.
* Mod: Implementation of sending plugin settings to service_update_local_settings
* Fix. Antispam. Exception action argument fixed.
* Fix. Antispam. Preventing catch RC requests.
* Fix. Antispam. Preventing catch website search requests.
* Fix. Setting templates. Get templates only after manual getting key.
* Fix. Admin notices. Notice about getting key removed.
* Fix. Getting key. Get the right email for gathering the key.
* Fix. Exception action. Send ajax requests without email to the cloud.
* Fix. Exception action. Prevent catching admin-side requests.
* Fix. Exception action. Send ajax requests without email to the cloud.
* Fix. Exception action. Prevent catching admin-side requests.
* Fix. Log exclusions. Skip checking excepted requests if the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Log excluded requests\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" option is disabled.
* Fix. Antispam. Remove unnecessary cookie from requests.
* Fix. Visible fields. Collecting visible fields only for unique forms on the page.
* Fix: excluded some action for Ninja Form from spamtest. |
Dec 20 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. Comment scanner. Scanning loop fixed.
* Fix. Comment scanner. Scan only not spam comments.
* Mod: Launching a suitable ajax handler for checking email before POST
* Upd. RC. Remote calls checking moved to the root of the main file.
* New. Activation. Hook for getting key auto added.
* Fix. Admin notices. Errors about getting key fixed.
* Fix. Visible fields. Getting visible fields collection method moved to the Cookie class
* Fix. Visible fields. Getting visible fields collection method moved
* Fix. Settings. Getting key button fixed.
* Fix: Removed ajax_type from apbct_email_check_before_post
* Fixed Ajax.php errors with apbct_email_check_before_post
* Fix: Add integration for CalculatedFieldsForm and fixed scripts |
Nov 23 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix: skip ult-forgot-password action.
* Fix: Uncanny toolkit skip.
* Fix: SFW. Clearing FW stats fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Updating fallback fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Updating FW stats fixed.
* Mod: Changed the type of verification on check_message during registration in BuddyPress
* Fix: register_settings for wp < 4.7.
* Fix: Comment scanners. Getting cookie fixed.
* Fix: check if errors exists in state.
* Fix: update sfw after enabled.
* Fix: WPMS. Settings validating fixed.
* Fix: wpforms skip remove token validation.
* Fix. Text. Feedback description fixed.
* Fix: WPMS. Delete api key from settings template used.
* Fix. Updater. Notice fixed.
* Fix: WPMS. Setting transferring to the sub sites fixed. |
Nov 09 2021 |
Архив |
* New: Public. Mouse moved flag implemented.
* Upd: State. Errors adding method updated.
* Upd: Settings. Errors show function updated.
* Upd: Updater. Clean errors options for new errors structure.
* Upd: Public. Cookies aggregation.
* Mod: Improving the functionality of checking comments for spam.
* Mod: CommentsChecker - updated functionality and refactoring
* Mod: merged inc/cleantalk-updater.php
* Mod: merged UpdatePlugin dir
* Mod: merged Schema.php
* Mod: merged SchemaTest.php
* Mod: merged cleantalk.php
* Mod: merged State.php, Activator.php
* Fix: SFW. Directory for FW files moved to wordpress uploads directory.
* Fix: Settings. GDPR link fixed.
* Fix: testrequesttohost error handle.
* Fix: check ctsetcookie before call.
* Fix: Settings. Save button padding fixed.
* Fix: add console.log if ctSetcookie is not defined.
* Fix: SFW. Skip if sfw not updated yet.
* Fix: change console output if apbct-public-functions.js is not loaded.
* Fix: Added secure and samesite in cookie
* Fix: Renamed field apbct_wc_honeypot to wc_apbct_email_id
* Fix.Users.Feedback about deleting user implemented.
* Fix. SFW. Deleting table fixed.
* Fix: set buffer type to string if epico theme is active.
* Fix: Integration. Jetpack contact forms hooks fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Separating the end of update stage into several stages.
* Fix: SFW. Fallback function on SFW updating errors implemented.
* Fix. Integration. WP Forms hooks fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Auto updating for new users fixed.
* Fix. Comment. Set meta fixed.
* Fix: WPMS. Settings saving fixed. |
Oct 22 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. SFW. Incompatibility WP-Rocket notice removed. |
Oct 21 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix: Queue. Errors of each try fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Sleep before deleting tables was reduced.
* Fix: Queue. Accepted tries argument implemented. |
Oct 21 2021 |
Архив |
* New: Integration. UsersWP plugin integration implemented.
* New. SFW. Incompatibility WP-Rocket notice added.
* New: Settings. Advanced settings navigation implemented.
* New: Server variables. isSSL method added.
* Mod: Added the functionality of changing the mail when receiving the key during the initial installation.
* Mod: Custom admin email. Added minified js and css files
* Mod: validate api key before save settings for new accounts
* Mod: Antispam. Comments check. Send feedback with hash:01:url data only if post_info->post_url is empty.
* Fix: State. Option prefix field is public now.
* Fix: Using get_option(\\\'home\\\') for getting the blog url instead get_option(\\\'siteurl\\\').
* Fix: State. Magic __get notice fixed.
* Fix. State. Exclamation mark fixed.
* Fix. Common. Getting REST url fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Update percents fixed.
* Fix: DB. isTableExists method fixed.
* Fix. State. $errors field added.
* Fix: Server::getDomain(). Fixed regexp.
* Fix: skip log-in request wpstg.
* Fix: SFW. Work on hosting licenses fixed.
* Fix: set prefix_name for cleantalk-icons css.
* Fix: Helper. Hard use https for the curl requests.
* Fix: Helper. Home url slash added.
* Fix: SFW. Using direct updating if remote calls not working.
* Fix: Settings. Save button z-index added.
* Fix: Admin bar. Exclamation mark style fixed.
* Fix: Settings. Api key description on active IP license added.
* Fix: Sender info. Getting page_url on ajax/rest requests fixed. |
Oct 07 2021 |
Архив |
* New: State. errorExists method implemented.
* New: SFW. Disabling SFW when the database was outdated.
* New: Settings templates. Saving template to the several blogs implemented.
* New: Settings. WPMS settings always show now.
* New: WPMS. No show any sub-sites errors on wpms mode 2.
* New: WPMS. Plugin settings are disabled on sub-sites on wpms mode 2.
* Mod: Remote Calls using POST instead of GET request type.
* Mod: Helper. No cache GET parameter renamed.
* Mod: Cron. Transactions implemented #2.
* Mod: Settings. \"URL Exclusions\" description updated.
* Upd: Getting JS. AJAX handler type selecting updated.
* Fix: Added lost info about total comments in CommentChecker::ctAjaxInfo
* Fix: add subscriber to skip list.
* Fix: Changed the plugin name in the list of plugins when enabling White Label
* Fix: Changed the plugin name in the admin bar when enabling White Label
* Fix: Feedback. Comments feedback description fixed.
* Fix: Hide information about Security in admin bar if it is not main site.
* Fix: SFW. Error toggle used instead of error add/delete.
* Fix: Alt cookies. Selecting type of alt cookies bug fixed.
* Fix: protect logged users in gravity.
* Fix: Updated the condition for showing a link to the security installation in the admin bar.
* Fix: reverse condition for WL security link.
* Fix: WPMS. Addition WL info link fixed.
* Changed plugin name in plugin settings multisite__white_label__plugin_name.
* Fix: rename plugin name after search plugins if WL is on.
* Fix: Renamed Antispam by Cleantalk to Anti-spam by Cleantalk
* Fix: add elementor-pro to skip save action.
* Fix: WPMS. Sanitize api key during getting key fixed.
* Fix: Cron. Cron results errors handling fixed.
* Fix: WPMS. Migrate old WPMS to the new wpms mode.
* Fix: WPMS. Using main site data on wpms_mode=2.
* Fix: Helper. Hard use https for the curl requests.
* Fix: WPMS. Sanitize network settings fixed.
* Fix: WPMS. Applying settings for selected blogs fixed.
* Fix: Getting key. Sync after getting key fixed. |
Sep 30 2021 |
Архив |
* New. SFW. Fall back updating system implemented.
* New: Integration. Added honeypot wc.
* New: SFW. Added new status PASS_SFW__BY_STATUS for showing die_page.
* Upd: Cookies. Alternative cookies types was updated.
* Upd: Ajax. Finding the right WP directory implemented.
* Fix: Updater fixed.
* Fix: Firewall update. Not existing FW table.
* Fix: State. DB prefix fixed.
* Fix: WPForms. Excluding from the custom contact forms check.
* Fix. State. DB prefix definition fixed.
* Fix: SpamFirewall update. Increasing delay in queue transactions, adding time of the queue task start
* Fix: State. Show notices fixed.
* Fix: State. Some logic moved from a loop.
* Fix: Adding a error if Common/Helper::http_request() couldn\\\'t get HTTP code via get_headers().
* Fix: SFW. Do not AC checking, if cookies were disabled.
* Fix: http_request() with preset \\\'get_code\\\' using GET HTTP method instead of HEAD now.
* Fix: SFW. Direct update DB errors handled.
* Fix: SFW. Direct update creating temp table errors handled.
* Fix: SpamFirewall update. SFW_IS_DISABLED is not a error. apbct_sfw_update__init() returns false in this case.
* Fix: Extended header. Cache-Control: max-age=0 in the /Common/Helper::httpRequest()
* Fix: Updater. Fixed data__use_static_js_key settings name.
* Fix: Updater. start ct_account_status_check() if main site in 5.127+ versions
* Fix: Adding error handling to DB::execute() in ApbctWP\\\\SFW.
* Fix: Cron. Cron last start flag improved.
* Fix: Cron. Cron execution cooldown decreased to 2 min.
* Fix: Adding more info in \\\'Unknown\\\' type error.
* Fix: Exclude Forminator double requests on multipage form.
* Fix: Settings. Alt cookies types validating fixed.
* Fix: Ajax. WP core dir parsing fixed.
* Fix: Settings. Ajax handler title fixed. |
Sep 14 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. State. Checking empty errors fixed. |
Sep 06 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix: Cleantalk.php. dns_get_record() error handling.
* Fix: Search form integration. PHP Notice.
* Fix: Default value for \"Alternative Cookie Type\" setting.
* Fix: SpamFirewall. Updating percent output.
* Fix: SpamFirewall. Omit SFW_IS_DISABLED error.
* Mod: Admin-bar.
* Fix: SpamFirewall update.
* Fix: apbct_log(). Log time.
* Mod: Debug RC. Servers_connection item added.
* Mod: apbct_test_connection() moved to cleantalk.php.
* Fix: skip elementor save template.
* Fix: skip formidable base check.
* Fix: remove limit for request in delete all spam users.
* Mod: apbct_test_connection() improvements.
* Fix: Helper::http__request() timeout is 15 seconds.
* New: Helper::http__request() low speed time is 10 seconds.
* Fix: decbin int type in helper.
* Fix: add apbct_get_rest_url func.
* Fix: Error report form Cleantalk.php.
* Fix: skip sfw check if sfw not updated.
* Fix. Integration. Enfold theme saving options skip protection.
* Fix. Integration. Cartflows saving cart skip protection.
* Fix: getOption return variable.
* Fix: skip sfw if last_update_time is zero.
* Fix: skip last_update_time sfw check.
* Fix: add priority to comment_form_default_fields hook.
* New. Helper. IP detecting improved.
* Fix. Helper. Multi-curl timeout added.
* Upd. SFW. SFW block page updated.
* Upd. SFW. AC block page updated.
* Upd. Settings. SFW features settings moved to the separated block.
* Fix. SFW. Random get parameter for redirecting block page updated.
* Fix. Settings. SFW features settings description fixed.
* New: Queue. Transaction system.
* Fix: skip siteorigin pagebuilder save widget.
* New: Readme. Hide «Website» field for comments added.
* Fix. Helper. Async curl timeout increased.
* Fix. Integration. Blogvault requests skipped.
* Fix: skip classfields check_email action.
* Mod: Show real HTTP code in a error during downloading GZ file.
* Mod: Debug call extended.
* Mod: Admin notices. Added the ability to hide a banner with notifications for each individual administrator for two weeks.
* Fix. Settings. Long description output fixed.
* Fix. Settings. JS debug data removed.
* Fix. SFW. Deleting fw files folder.
* Fix: api error handle.
* Fix: SFW. Added update mode if sfw-updater works with tables.
* New. WPMS. New multisite logic implemented.
* Fix: Setting. Select field type fixed.
* Fix: Сhanged the function delete_all_options() of removing plugin options when fully uninstalled.
* Fix. WPMS. Hoster API key description fixed.
* Fix: Admin notices. get_option expression is checking more strictly.
* New: Helper. Added method for validate date format as \'Y-m-d\'.
* Fix: SFW. Default FW folder fixed.
* Fix: SFW. FW folder on the first sync fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Remove wrong FW folders.
* Fix: SFW. Refactoring apbct_sfw_update__end_of_update().
* Mod: apbct_test_connection().
* Fix: /ApbctWP/API::send_request() with empty result. |
Aug 31 2021 |
Архив |
* New: Queue. Transaction system.
* Fix. SFW. Updating for the new clients fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Deleting UA file fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Updating via cron fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Updating process for multisite fixed. |
Aug 27 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. Pixel. Auto mode fixed. |
Aug 23 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: SpamFirewall update. |
Jul 29 2021 |
Архив |
* New: SFW. SFW alternative cookie implemented.
* New: SFW. AC alternative cookie implemented.
* New: SFW. AF alternative cookie implemented.
* New: Helper. Curl multi wrapper added.
* New: Queue class implemented.
* Mod: Changed the processing of the honeypot_field for standard comment.
* Mod: Added integration for Wishlist Members registration form.
* Mod: Store visited URLs amount reduces to 5 with 128 symbols by URL.
* Upd: Public js scripts separated.
* Upd: SFW. Updating process modified.
* Fix: Moderate rotating fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Process file errors handling fixed.
* Fix: Pluggable. Expression fixed.
* Fix: Ajax. User detection fixed..
* Fix: Ajax. Ajax handlers fixed.
* Fix: IP-detection for Cloudflare CDN.
* Fix: Skip test for ajax alt_session request.
* Fix: Set cookies on dashboard pages even if the setting is off.
* Fix: Ajax. Ajax class fixed.
* Fix: Users scanner. Remove redundant menu.
* Fix: Added an exception for the action edd_process_checkout Easy Didgital Downloads plugi
* Fix: SFW. Changed method for getting addr ip.
* Fix: Integration. WPForms names gathering fixed.
* Fix: SFW. Min update interval decreased to 14400 seconds.
* Fix: Integration. WPForms names gathering fixed. |
Jul 20 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. SFW. Updating cooldown increased up to 15 min.
* Fix. Cron. Next call time set by task updating fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Reset blacklist array before processing.
* Fix. SFW. Some errors handling fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Getting update period from dns fixed.
* Fix. Ajax. Checking nonce for logged in users fixed. |
Jul 07 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix: Fixed the connection error Ajax.php when the site files are in a subfolder.
* Fix. SFW. Anticrawler redirect detection fixed.
* Fix. Checking sql before the tables creating.
* Fix. Updater fixed.
* Fix: Set alt cookies if sg optimizer is enabled.
* Fix: Exclusion for GiveWP plugin in apbct-public.js. #2 |
Jul 01 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. Updater fixed. |
Jun 30 2021 |
Архив |
* New. Rest API request detecting implemented.
* Upd. SFW. AntiCrawler was disabled for the new installations.
* Upd. SFW. AntiCrawler option moved to the advanced settings section.
* Mod: email is taken only from visible fields
* Mod: remove error message about firewall updating
* Mod: excluded for test WC_Gateway_Tpay_Basic
* Fix: Added exclude for happyforms.php in apbct_is_skip_request.
* Fix: Added an error message in the form response
* Fix: Skip wpforms general requests because of direct integration.
* Fix. Integration. Autonami Marketing Automations service request kipped.
* Fix. Cron. Update task method fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Prevent updating while SFW is disabled.
* Fix. Cron. Restoring cron tasks during plugin updating.
* Fix. SFW. Logs sending used limit.
* Fix: set correct api_key value for ajax calls.
* Fix. Frontend widget. The widget layout fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Formidable preparing data for checking. |
Jun 24 2021 |
Архив |
* New: Admin bar. Attention mark added.
* Upd: Admin notices have been rebuilt.
* Upd: Integrations with HappyForms updated.
* Fix: Skip fluentform multistep request.
* Fix: Correct fluent_form skip name.
* Fix: Admin notices. Trial and renew notices ID attributes renamed.
* Fix: Admin bar. Trial notice font color changed.
* Fix: Admin bar. Show admin bar without api key.
* Fix: Admin bar. Show attention badge if the api key is empty.
* Fix: AC. Skip checking on 302 redirects.
* Fix: Added IF NOT EXISTS after ADD COLUMN in cleantalk-updater.php
* Fix: Removed ADD PRIMARY KEY from apbct_update_to_5_146_4
* Fix: Removed apbct_update_to_5_146_4
* Fix: Checking output parameters of API-method get_2s_blacklists_db.
* Fix: SFW. Writing exclusions fixed.
* Fix: Integration. GF names detection fixed.
* Fix: Integration. WPForms nicknames detecting fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Updating fixed.
* Fix: Excluding REST API requests from check.
* Fix. Admin notices. Incompatibility notice fixed.
* Fix. Compatibility. Notice saving fixed.
* Fix. Compatibility. Prevent disabling SFW on incompatibility detected.
* Fix. Compatibility. SFW option is no longer disabled on incompatibility detected.
* Fix. Admin bar. Reset counters fixed. |
Jun 21 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Admin bar. PHP error. |
Jun 17 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Admin bar. Conflict with previous version of Security by Cleantalk. |
Jun 17 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix. Renew notice banner shows only on cleantalk pages.
* Fix. SFW updating. Getting remote data error handling fixed.
* Upd. Readme updated.
* Fix. SFW. Auto-updating fixed.
* Fix: Admin bar style. Install link is no longer highlighted.
* Fix: Admin bar style. Style for security icon.
* Fix: Admin bar. Reset buttons counters leads to the same page.
* Fix. Manual register link fixed.
* Fix: do not display errors on subsites when wl is enabled.
* Fix: Admin bar. Rapid fix.
* Fix. Skipping. WPForms check restricted email request skipped.
* Fix. Helper. CURL request timeout increased.
* Fix. Comments/users checker. Description fixed.
* Fix. Get fields any. Preset nickname parameter fixed.
* Fix: wpms settings. |
Jun 10 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Cron. Cron calling in cleantalk-updater.php fixed. |
Jun 10 2021 |
Архив |
* New. Admin Bar. Common admin bar implemented.
* New: email check before post.
* New: New admin bar style.
* New. SFW. Updating integrity control implemented.
* New. Custom Ajax. Email checking before post.
* New. Custom Ajax. Getting JS key.
* New. Custom Ajax. Alternative cookies.
* Upd. Integrations. Support multiple non-ajax hooks.
* Upd. Cron. Cron class and cron usage updated.
* Upd. Pixel. Pixel setting is \"auto\" for the new installations.
* Upd. Users checker. Users with completed WC orders no checked.
* Upd. WPMS settings.
* Mod. limiting the size of an array top5_spam_ip to five elements in widget.
* Mod. update data__pixel title.
* Mod. Update data__use_static_js_key title.
* Mod. add \'relative\' parameter in admin_url() for getting ajaxurl.
* Mod. update field name honeypot_field, reverse logic
* Mod. changed website field from comments form: type text, display none.
* Fix. resolve conflict with wiloke theme and unknown plugin, that removes standard authorization cookies.
* Fix. moved the wiloke_theme options_ajax_save_skip check to apbct_is_skip_request function.
* Fix. added a theme check along with a hook wiloke_themeoptions_ajax_save_skip.
* Fix. Integration. Essentials addons for elementor integration fixed.
* Fix. AC/AF. Clearing AC table via cron fixed.
* Fix. SFW. Obtaining the count of the networks was fixed.
* Fix. Cron. Last cron start fixed.
* Fix. cookies for login page.
* Fix. Firewall. Update. Filtering bad data.
* Fix. Custom Ajax. Localized login scripts.
* Fix. API. Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\API fixed to work on SHORTINIT mode.
* Fix. Custom Ajax. Getting JS key - removed WP ajax hooks.
* Fix. GetFieldsAny. Bypassing collecting email and names logic fixed.
* Fix. New admin bar style. Sorting plugins by Alphabet.
* Fix. ct_get_admin_email return network email if set.
* Fix. Fixed the name of the key containing the file address to check the number of records.
* Fix. Comments checker. Non-checkable users tab removed.
* Fix. Visible fields. Formidable visible fields collecting fixed.
* Fix. Get fields any fixed.
* Fix. empty key error for hosting.
* Fix. WPMS. Api key saving fixed.
* Fix. WPMS. Network settings saving fixed.
* Fix. WPMS. Plugin name setting field is not required now.
* Fix. Alt sessions js fixed. |
Jun 01 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Firewall. SQL-request error. |
May 26 2021 |
Архив |
New. Integration. WP Foro register system integration.
New. Integration. Elementor essentials LoginRegister integration implemented.
New: SQL-schema and updater for extended SpamFirewall logs.
New: Extended SpamFirewall logs.
New: Pixel.
Mod: Few improvements to SFW update.
Mod: add settings for hidding website field from comment form.
Mod: Few improvements to SFW update #2.
Mod: Possibility to send empty JSON object in API.
Mod: Extended SpamFirewall logs for AntiCrawler module.
Upd: SFW. Direct updating method implemented.
Upd. Settings. Network settings templates updated.
Upd: Firewall. Improvements to update system.
Upd: Firewall. Improvements to update system.
Fix: replace wp_die to die in ct_die(), refactoring ct_die()
Fix. Forms. Exclude field wp-editor-area from collecting visible fields.
Fix. Widget. Widget content logic fixed.
Fix: Forms. Nicknames detecting fixed #2.
Fix: Forms. Getting check_js key fixed.
Fix: update ct_die_extended() as ct_die().
Fix. Code. Getting delay before js code get if async option enabled.
Fix. WPMU. Blog id added in settings templates list.
Fix. Integration. Elementor essentials LoginRegister login form protection skipped.
Fix. WPMU. Blog id added in settings templates list.
Fix. Readme. Required PHP version increased to 5.6.
Fix. Updater. 5_157_10 updating fixed #2.
Fix. JS. DOMContentLoaded used instead jQuery(document).ready().
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update. \"FW UPDATE INIT: KEY_EMPTY\", \"SFW UPDATE INIT: KEY_IS_NOT_VALID\" errors.
Fix. Users checker. Export to the csv fixed.
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update. Error \"WRONG_UPDATE_ID\".
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update. \"FW UPDATE INIT: KEY_EMPTY\", \"SFW UPDATE INIT: KEY_IS_NOT_VALID\" errors.
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update. Error \"WRONG_UPDATE_ID\".
Fix: \\Cleantalk\\Common\\Helper::http__request() consider only boolean false (empty string \'\' considering as good) as bad response.
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update.
Fix: SpamFirewall. Update #2.
Fix: WPMS empty apikey in options
Fix: \"Mod: add settings for hidding website field from comment form\".
Fix: Common/Helper::http__get_headers() fixed.
Fix: SpamFirewall admin bar counter.
Fix: \"Fix: Common/Helper::http__get_headers() fixed.\"
Fix: Pixel.
Fix: \"Pixel\" setting description.
Fix: Extended SpamFirewall logs for AntiCrawler module.
Fix: Extended SpamFirewall logs for AntiCrawler module #2.
Fix: WPFroms. PHP notice.
Fix: Gravity Forms. PHP notice.
Revert: Fix: Code. get_fields_any() notice fixed. |
May 05 2021 |
Архив |
* Fix: Code. get_fields_any() notice fixed.
* Fix: Integration. Gravity Forms integration fixed.
* Fix: Forms. Nicknames detecting fixed. |
Apr 30 2021 |
Архив |
Mod: \\\\Cleantalk\\\\ApbctWP\\\\Variables\\\\Cookie::get() now has \\\'cast_to\\\' param. If defined trying to cast to a given type.
Fix: \\\\Cleantalk\\\\ApbctWP\\\\Variables\\\\Cookie::get() calls using \\\'cast_to\\\' param if needed. |
Apr 28 2021 |
Архив |
New: Invisible fields collecting implemented.
New: A dev and a fix version suffix support.
New: Variables. Cookie::set() method added.
New: Split Cleantalk\\Common\\DB::method__private_list_add__sfw_wl() in two Cleantalk\\Common\\DB::method__private_list_add() and Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\DB::method__private_list_add__sfw_wl().
New: Split Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host() in two Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host() and Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host__test().
New: Updater script for 5.157.
New: Update/delete SpamFireWall database when it enable/disable. Improvements.
New: \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables::AltSessions class.
New: \"Set cookies\" setting now has 3 options \"On\", \"Off\" and \"Use alternative mechanism for cookies\".
New: REST API route \'/alt_sessions\' and callbacks.
Mod: Compatibility with Thrive Leads - remove deleted the modal window about successful sending when blocking the user.
Mod: changed the handling of gravityform fields, added a check for the visibility of the field when processing the name.
Mod: Added a setting for Woocommerce, which includes checking the un-logged user when adding an item to the cart. If the user does not pass the verification, the product is not added to the cart.
Mod: Added a settings for Woocommerce - correction.
Mod: WC add to cart - change settings description.
Mod: Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\RemoteCalls::debug() improved.
Mod: SpaFirewall update.
Mod: add buddypress integration for user account personal data.
Mod: Moving \\Cleantalk\\Common\\Helper::apbct_cookie__set() to \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables::set() function.
Mod: Using \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables::set() instead of \\Cleantalk\\Common\\Helper::apbct_cookie__set().
Mod: Extend \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables to use alternative sessions.
Mod: Using \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables\\AltSessions class instead of set of \"apbct_alt_sessions__\" functions.
Mod: added loading of country flags from the plugin.
Mod: added styles for the widget with anti-spam statistics.
Mod: Improving ct_enqueue_scripts_public().
Mod: Update for JS ctSetCookie().
Mod: AltSessions and Cookie using \'data__set_cookies\' and \'data__set_cookies\' settings.
Mod: Minified JS updated.
Upd: Setting cookies updating.
Upd: Setting cookies by JS updating.
Fix: SFW. DB result handling.
Fix: Integration. Avada theme settings saving fixed.
Fix: Cleantalk modal. Layout fixed.
Fix: Possible use an html on ajax forms blocking message.
Fix: Include JS logic fixed.
Fix: Refactoring. Collecting details about browser refactored.
Fix: Refactoring. Alert replacing by console log on REST request handling.
Fix: Integration. Gravity Forms integration fixed.
Fix: ignoring the hidden fields with name if visible fields exists.
Fix: Integration. Formidable multi-step form protection fixed.
Fix: add max z-index for #cleantalk-modal-overlay.
Fix: Cannot read property \'response_type\' of undefined - xhr.responseJSON - undefined where action wc_add_to_cart_block.
Fix: Helper. Set cookies method is deprecated now.
Fix: Adding admin IP to whitelist during the login in and plugin activation.
Fix: SpamFirewall. Don\'t set cookies if option is disabled.
Fix: Sorting methods modifiers in \\Cleantalk\\Common\\Helper and \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Helper classes.
Fix: Using \\Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables\\Cookies.
Fix: A dev and a fix version suffix support.
Fix: Adding admin IP to whitelist during the login in and plugin activation.
Fix: New setting \'Alternative cookies handler type\'.
Fix: sender_info params.
Fix: SpamFirewall deleting from local base during update on local website.
Fix: apbct_js_test() considering \"Alternative cookie\" setting.
Fix: Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\VariablesCookie::set() automatically set secure flag if null passed.
Fix: Check JS via Cookie with the Alternative Cookie on.
Fix: Automatically set \"secure\" param when setcookie() called.
Fix: \'Alternative cookies handler type\' setting layout.
Fix: For legacy apbct__hook__wp_logout__delete_trial_notice_cookie().
Fix: Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables::set_fromRemote(), Cleantalk\\ApbctWP\\Variables::get_fromRemote() fix |
Apr 15 2021 |
Архив |
New: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\RemoteCalls::action__debug().
New: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\Helper::http__get_data_from_remote_gz__and_parse_csv();
New: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\Helper::http__get_data_from_remote_gz();
New: Update/delete SpamFireWall database when it enable/disable.
New: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\DNS class. Allows to get with DNS records and theirs different parameters.
New: No cookies if disabled from frontend. Alternative cookies if enabled from frontend.
New: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\ApbctWP\\\\\\\\Variables\\\\\\\\Cookie extends Cleantalk\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\Variables\\\\\\\\Cookie and automatically supports alternative cookies.
Mod: Don\\\\\\\'t use alternative cookies for JS cookies for now.
Mod: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\State default data.
Mod: Small code improvements.
Mod: Minor code improvements.
Mod: Using apbct_sfw_update__init instead() of ct_sfw_update().
Mod: Updater script to 5.156.
Upd: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\ApbctWP\\\\\\\\RemoteCalls.
Upd: *.min. files update.
Upd: Current moderate*.cleantalk.org IP servers update.
Refactor: SpamFireWall update.
Fix: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\RemoteCalls::action__sfw_update().
Fix: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\DNS could request specific DNS type record.
Fix: Anti Spam. External forms protection capturing buffer fixed.
Fix: SFW. Notices disabled on blocking pages.
Fix: Admin ajax handler fixed - alert removed.
Fix: No alert when error fires.
Fix: Notice. change \\\\\\\'wpms__allow_custom_settings\\\\\\\' to \\\\\\\'multisite__allow_custom_settings\\\\\\\' in cleantalk-admin.php.
Fix: Getting JS key by ajax fixed.
Fix: No alert when AJAX fails.
Fix: Send plugin version as parameter when apbct-public.min.js script attaching.
Fix: The AJAX REST API error text unique.
Fix: No alert message when AJAX (REST) error happens.
Fix: Skip. MyListing theme service requests skip.
Fix: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\ApbctWP\\\\\\\\Helper::http__request__rc_to_host(). Considering empty response as error.
Fix: \\\\\\\\Cleantalk\\\\\\\\Common\\\\\\\\Helper::http__request(). Empty error while SFW update.
Fix: REST API. Required parameter added.
Fix: PHP Notices and Warnings.
Fix: AntiCrawler UA update.
Fix: JS and CSS minified.
Fix: ApbctWP\\\\\\\\State __get using &. |
Apr 06 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Renaming setting to their original names in old update scripts.
Fix: Ajax forms protection response fixed.
Fix: No alert message when AJAX error happens. |
Apr 02 2021 |
Архив |
Fix: Using WP Rest API.
Rollback: Show response for all AJAX forms. |