Все версии плагинов для защиты от спама для WordPress, страница 6 из 7

Дата релиза Версия Статус Список изменений
Jul 27 2017 Архив mproved spam check for existed users and comments.
Minor fixes.
Jul 20 2017 Архив Improved spam protection for external forms.
Minor fixes.
Jul 17 2017 Архив Fix for SpamFireWall for Multisite.
Jul 17 2017 Архив Fix for SpamFireWall.
Spam detection improved.
Jul 13 2017 Архив New updater logic.
Self cron system.
Improved AMP compatibility.
Fixed users and comments spam check.
Fixed layout for Comment's feedback from public page.
Updated SpamFireWall.
SFW: SpamFireWall counter now work in real-time.
SFW: Improved compatibility with different Data Bases.
Jul 03 2017 Архив Optimization for Users and Comments check for big databases.
Reviewer - integration.
Errors fixes.
Improved protection from spam.
Jun 22 2017 Архив Integrations:
Contact Form for WordPress – Ultimate Form Builder Lite, Contact Bank – Contact Forms Builder, Smart Forms, cformsII, Contact Form by Web-Settler.
Error fixes.
Jun 09 2017 Архив Fixed issue with JS load on public pages under administrator.
Jun 05 2017 Архив Fixed error with IP determination.
Jun 04 2017 Архив Fixed JS error in 5.67 version.
Integrations: Enfold theme, Convertplug.
Links to check for Emails/IP for spam.
Control comments and feedback about them from public post's page.
Improved connection stability with cloud service.
Spam protection improved.
Other small fixes.
Jun 01 2017 Архив Integrations: Enfold theme, Convertplug.
Links to check for Emails/IP for spam.
Control comments and feedback about them from public post's page.
Improved connection stability with cloud service.
Spam protection improved.
Other small fixes.
May 23 2017 Архив Spam protection improved.
Major fixes for users and comments spam check.
Added feedback from Wordpress comments list.
Fix for "internal forms check" option.
Fixed issue with caching SpamFireWall die page.
Other small fixes.
May 15 2017 Архив Fix for PayPal redirecton.
Fixed issue with empty query for bulk comments test.
Added protection for Enfold contact form.
Ninja forms integration.
Apr 27 2017 Архив Integration for Facebook registrations.
Small fixes for WPMS.
Fix for Activecampaign service.
Fix for check spam users.
Fixed rare notice Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Apr 20 2017 Архив Fix for the dashboard spam stat widget.
Added translation posibility for all text.
Apr 17 2017 Архив Fix for the dashboard widget.
Fix for users check.
Small appearance changes.
Apr 06 2017 Архив Improved filtration.
Additional logic for the form recognizing.
Integration: Divi Theme Contact Form.
Fix: Gravity Forms multipages forms.
Stat Widget: Minor fixes.
Added possibility to download results of the users check in CSV format.
Alteration for settings page (footer).
Mar 29 2017 Архив Added main dashboard widget with spam activity statistics.
Mailster - integration.
Base class updated.
Fixed error function ‘locale_get_display_region’ no exists.
Mar 29 2017 Архив Added main dashboard widget with spam sctivity statistics.
Mailster - integration.
Base class updated.
Mar 24 2017 Архив Users/comments check fix.
Plugin's name changed to Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Trial banner is dismissable. Disapear for 24h or till logout.
Settings modified (Auto testing failed warning).
Mailing(inactive key) interval increased to 6 hours.
Mar 16 2017 Архив Fix for Ninja forms (protection updated).
Fix for QA Theme.
Fix for RSVP form.
Setting changes (Spam FireWall).
Improved debug section.
Improved gathering data function.
Minor fixes.
Mar 06 2017 Архив Minor fix on the settings page.
Mar 06 2017 Архив Users check fix (redirect after the check).
Fixed PHP Notice "HTTP_REFERER" is unset.
Updated Notice logic.
Feb 28 2017 Архив Bitrix24 Contact form integration.
Users/comments check fix.
Spam sorting updated.
Banner showing logic.
Feb 17 2017 Архив Cron fix for daily report.
Feb 16 2017 Архив Remote call close_renew_banner
Feb 15 2017 Архив Work without access key
Bitrix24 contact integration
Issues fixes
Feb 08 2017 Архив Fix for notice logic.
Setting page changes.
Bug fixes for WooCommerce.
SpamFireWall filters only GET requests.
Minor and major fixes.
Feb 08 2017 Архив Setting page changes.
Bug fixes for WooCommerce.
SpamFireWall filters only GET requests.
Minor and major fixes.
Jan 25 2017 Архив Minor fixes
Jan 19 2017 Архив Integrations: MailChimp Premium, Profile Press.
Changes comments flow.
FireWall updater fix.
Users check optimization.
Dec 23 2016 Архив Integration: Caldera Forms, Visual Form Builder.
Fixed current spam account deletion.
Fix for different 'cookies' header names.
Dec 12 2016 Архив Integrations: AmoForms, Contact Form Clean and Simple
Comments check logic refreshed
Registration JS error fix
Users check fix
Fix for translation system
Minor Fixes
Dec 09 2016 Архив Version/changelog fixes
Layout fixes
Nov 28 2016 Архив Additional warning before deleting users.
SpamFireWall is enabled by default.
Usernoise modal feedback / contact form : integration.
Nov 14 2016 Архив Users and comments check: Using new API method.
Quick Contact From: Integration via "Custom Contact Forms" setting.
JavaScript filtration improved.
Translations changed.
Optimized JavaScript.
Nov 02 2016 Архив Added protection for internal forms.
Immediate spam check for comments and users from WP dashboard.
Optimized code.
Oct 24 2016 Архив Improved filtration in contact forms.
SpamFireWall: Fixed issue with SFW logs
Skipping service fields: Fast Secure Contact Froms, QU Forms, Custom Contact Forms
Oct 19 2016 Архив Custom contact forms: integration.
Pirate Forms: integration.
PHP 7 compatibility: Deleted third-party JSON library and dependences.
PHP 7 compatibility: Fixed end of lines.
YOAST Seo: Fixed PHP warnings.
SpamFireWall: Minor fix for SpamFireWall counter.
Only admin could access to CleanTalk dashboard (exclude Authors an Editors).
Improved filtration in contact forms.
Oct 05 2016 Архив Fixed database error. Stable version.
Oct 05 2016 Архив Fixed database error.
Oct 03 2016 Архив SpamFireWall feature: Class upgraded.
New feature: Delete links from approved comments.
Settings: Grouped.
Settings: Altered description fixed spelling mistakes.
Settings: Added indicator for SpamFireWall.
Admin bar: Added SpamFireWall counter
Clean and Simple Contact Form: Direct integration.
WooCommerce: Don't check password recovery form.
WooCommerce Wishlists: Issue with check for Google bots.
JetPack: contact form fix.
Fixed and created the defaults for all CleanTalk options.
Fixed spelling mistakes.
Sep 15 2016 Архив * buddyPress: Added private messages filtering. Doesn't check user if he has 3 or more messages in the "sentbox" and "inbox" folders.
* buddyPress: Added option in settings for private messages check.
* WooCommerce Wishlist: Added check for wishlists.
* Fixed issue with "check all post data" option.
* Improved filtering for Gravity Forms
* Mobile Assistant Connector fix
* Minor fixes.
Sep 05 2016 Архив WooCommerce: direct integration for checkout form.
WooCommerce Sensei: login form fix.
bbPress: Added the check for topics and comments with stop_words
bbPress: Skip check for admin in comments and topics
UserPro: fixes. Request without field "shortcode"
Contact Form 7: Bug fix.
SpamFireWall: Optimized logs rotation.
Updated inner functions (compatibility fix for PHP 5.4+)
Fixed output of counters (without spamfirewall statistics)
Fixed spelling in settings
Added "Delete from the list" button in comments spam check page
Minor fixes.
Aug 17 2016 Архив Fixed issue with admin bar links in WP Multi Network mode.
Added "All time counter" and "Daily counter" into admin bar.
Added settings to disable counters in admin bar.
New style for "Get access key manually" button.
Aug 04 2016 Архив Added Anti-Spam protection for Quick Event Manager.
Improved bulk spam test for users. Now the plugin does not mark as Spam user, if the user IP address has spam activity more than 30 days ago.
Fixed bulk spam test for comments. Previous version had a conflict between spam history for IP and Email.
Minor fix function to get the API key.
Jul 25 2016 Архив Fixed issue with missed spam messages, subscriptions.
Improved bulk spam test for comments. Now the plugin will not mark as Spam comments, if a comment sender (IP address) has spam activity more then 30 days ago.
Jul 21 2016 Архив Optimized bulk spam comments deletion.
Turned off JavaScript anti-spam cookies if the option 'Set cookies' is turned off. It helps to avoid issues with Varnish.
Added links to bulk spam comments&users removal tool.
Jul 13 2016 Архив Optimized options getting code.
Added the option 'Protect Logged in users' to do anti-spam tests for submissions by logged in users.
Jun 27 2016 Архив -