Apr 01 2020 |
Архив |
New: Feature allowing to track missed spam requests with the special plugin.
Mod: Enable WooCommerce checkout test by default.
Fix: Fluent forms integration fixed.
Fix: Logging skipped requests - actions added.
Fix: Comments output.
Fix: External forms protection.
Fix: PHP 7.4 compatibility.
Performance improved. |
Apr 01 2020 |
Архив |
New: Setting which disallow sub-sites administrators to manage plugin settings.
New: Add custom title for message.
Mod: New headers for spam scan tabs.
Fix: ARM form login check.
Fix: For GET requests in HTTP API.
Fix: Getting variables in Get and Server classes.
Fix: SFW update system.
Fix: Empty connection error in Cleantalk/Antispam/API. |
Mar 03 2020 |
Архив |
Fix: SpamFireWall update large data issues.
Fix: Auto-update for some banner notifications.
Fix: QuickContactForm protection.
Minor fixes.
Spam protection improved. |
Feb 13 2020 |
Архив |
Fix: Add no-index meta tag to search page only.
Fix: Namespace issues. |
Feb 04 2020 |
Архив |
* Fix: PHP 7.4 issues.
* Fix: Woocommerce options moved to a separate block.
* Fix: CSS/HTML issues on settings page.
* Minor fixes.
* Spam protection improved. |
Feb 03 2020 |
Архив |
Upd: Rebuilding users/comments scan
Fix: UltimateMember - form validation checking fixed.
Fix: Exclusion for login form.
Fix: Disable scripts on excluded pages.
Fix: PHP 7.4 compatibility.
Minor fixes.
Spam protection improved. |
Dec 23 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: The disable comments functionality. |
Dec 17 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: The disable comments functionality. |
Dec 17 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Fatal PHP error. |
Dec 17 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: PHP 7.4 compability
New: Settings and description for "disable comments" functionality.
Mod: WooCommerce settings moved to separate block.
Minor fixes.
Spam protection improved. |
Dec 06 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: WooCommerce registration.
Fix: Auto update on Wordperss Multisite.
Fix: URLs exceptions validation.
New: Security improved.
Spam protection is improved.
Minor fixes and improvements. |
Nov 22 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Plugin autoupdate issues.
FIx: Woocommerce checking.
Fix: Correct IP detection.
Fix: CSV export not working after update.
Fix: QuickForms duplicates issues. |
Nov 14 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: JetPack contact form JS check.
FIx: Iphorm AJAX form.
Fix: Paid Memberships Pro fix.
Fix: Divi theme contact form fix.
Integration: Paid Memberships Pro.
Integration: Elementor Pro page builder forms.
Improved: Compatibility with different server. |
Nov 05 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: WooCommerce order detecting. |
Oct 21 2019 |
Архив |
Mod: Users check - functionality updated.
Fix: Users check - dates format updated.
Mod: Comments check - functionality updated.
Fix: Comments check - dates format updated.
Fix: Fields exclusion fixed.
Fix: Notice fixed.
Fix: Cleantalk/Antispam/API.
Fix: Minor improvements and bug fixes. |
Oct 16 2019 |
Архив |
Mod: Automatically decrease amount of checked users by one request if an error occurs.
Fix: Security issue.
Fix: Static JS key. |
Oct 08 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Errors during registration. |
Oct 08 2019 |
Архив |
Integration: SeedProd Coming Soon Page Pro.
Fix: WooCommerce double reuqests.
Fix: Static JS key. |
Oct 07 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: WPMS settings logic.
Using default database storage engine for tables. |
Oct 02 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Delete redirect notice on external forms
Fix: Storing spam for 15 days.
Fix: correct DiVi display message.
Integration: Ultimate Members.
Mod: Setting "Use static JS key" switched to "Auto" if it was "No". Default is "Auto".
Mod: Moving White Label option to main site settings.
New: Use static JS key if cache plugin detected.
New: Settings for URLs, fields, roles exclusions.
New: Regular Expressions support in URLs, fields exclusions.
New: Send validation errors on standard registration form.
Updater: Move exclusions from global variable to settings.
Deprecated: IP exclusions. |
Sep 09 2019 |
Архив |
Spam protection improved!
Integration: Option wheel.
Mod: Improved IP detection.
Mod: Improved Email detection.
Fix: Too large database table with alternative sessions.
Fix: Exception for WooCommerce AJAX.
Fix: API key validation.
Minor fixes. |
Sep 02 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: PHP Notices.
Fix: Auto update.
Fix: Displaying protection status for IP license.
Fix: prevent capturing buffer for XMLRPC requests (check_external functionality).
Fix: API key validation.
New: Complete deactivation setting. |
Aug 08 2019 |
Архив |
Spam protection improved.
Fix: SpamFireWall local database counter on Multisite.
Fix: Caldera Forms integration.
Fix: Settings "Use AJAX for JS check" description.
Fix: Formidable integration.
New: External forms check now independed from JavaScript.
New: Setting Protect external - capture buffer.
New: QuForm integration. |
Aug 07 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Error on PHP 5.3. |
Jul 31 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Plenty of minor fixes.
Fix: wpDiscuz integration.
Fix: Integration with bbPress.
Fix: New comment email notification.
New: Follow-Up Emails integration.
Fix: Woocommerce integration.
Fix: Spelling. |
Jul 16 2019 |
Архив |
Spam Protection improved.
Fix: Error while checking account status.
Fix: Conflict with Elementor Pro.
Fix: Integration with Ninja Forms.
Fix: Integration with Formidable.
New: Detecting mobile devices.
New: Integration for Easy Forms for Mailchimp. |
Jul 03 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Translation typos.
Fix: Woocommerce integration.
Fix: Catching admin in AJAX queries.
Mod: Session table (cleantalk_sessions) issue.
Mod: Spam protection improved.
Integration: Wilcity theme custom registration validation enabled
New: Option "Use static JS key". |
Jun 19 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: WPForms integration.
Fix: Translation and spelling.
Fix: Minor PHP error. |
Jun 07 2019 |
Архив |
Mod: Description for Search form protection.
Fix: CSS and JS attachment.
Fix: Undefined index error. |
Jun 05 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: bbPress false positives.
Fix: SpamFireWall check condition.
Fix: SpamFireWall block page.
Fix: Catch admin action via search form test.
Fix: Catch admin action (AJAX).
Mod: Using minified version of JS and CSS.
Mod: Date format in statistics. |
May 30 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Helper class error. |
May 30 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: No more second request after registration.
Fix: Activation hook.
Fix: Alternative sessions. Clear table.
Fix: Stop capchuring AJAX requests in admin area.
Fix: Spelling.
Fix: Registration cookies set.
Mod: SFW exdtended die page when testing.
Mod: User-agent modified.
New: Test search queries for spam.
New: Gathering and output statistics. |
May 13 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: SFW cookie. Set correct domain for subdomains.
Fix: SFW update.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Triggering AJAX check in backend.
Fix: Zero submit time on few forms. |
Apr 29 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Spam statistics in dashboard widget.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Double check AJAX integrated forms like Ninja Forms.
Fix: Use url exclusions for AJAX forms. |
Apr 26 2019 |
Архив |
Mod: Spam filtration quality improved.
Mod: Store SFW cookie for 30 days.
Mod: Server IP added to connection report.
Fix: spam_stat is not defined. |
Apr 23 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Fatal error.
Mod: Spam protection improved on registrations. |
Apr 19 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Cookies on registration page.
Fix: Update fix.
Fix: Wordpress built-in API.
Fix: WooCommerce checkout form.
Fix: UpdraftPlus. Saving settings.
Fix: Convert Pro saving settings.
Fix: UTF-8 Converting.
Fix: GDPR notice.
Fix: cleantalk_sessions table size reduced.
Mod: Localization.
Mod: Performance improved.
Mod: SpamFierWall improvments.
Mod: IP detection improved.
Mod: JavaScript check rewised.
New: Setting "Use alternative mechanism for cookies". |
Apr 01 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: GDPR notice.
Fix: noCacheJS localization.
Fix: Fatal error when updating. |
Mar 29 2019 |
Архив |
New: Update logic runs on all pages.
New: Integration for Ajax Contact Forms plugin.
New: Notification for users groups about new comments.
New: SFW die page. Show browser and page creation time.
Fix: Huge bug in Cleantalk.php connected with servers changing.
Fix: Check AJAX requests for logged in users.
Fix: Deleting debug in JS.
Fix: Validating settings before saving. |
Mar 18 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: "Headers already sent" error.
Fix: Images paths.
Fix: IP detection.
Fix: Skip lost password form check
Fix: Skip mobile requests (push settings)
Fix: PHP notice when detecting BuddyPress template. |
Mar 07 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Creating tables in MariaDB. |
Mar 06 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Creating tables in DB.
Fix: PHP Warning in spam statistics widget. |
Mar 06 2019 |
Архив |
Spam filtration quality improved.
New: Storing visited URLs.
New: Check before validation Contact Form 7, Comments, Jetpack comments.
New: Get validation result for Contact Form 7, Comments, Jetpack comments.
Fix: ES add subscriber.
Fix: IP detection. |
Feb 27 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: False positives spam detection in WP Forms and Contact Form 7. |
Feb 16 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: SpamFireWall's false positives. |
Feb 15 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Http_only flag for backend cookies.
Fix: Spam filtration improved.
New: IP detection improved.
Fix: SpamFirewall update speeded up.
New: False positives with caching solutions decreased.
New: Opportunity to use Wordpress HTTP API to connect with Cloud. |
Feb 01 2019 |
Архив |
New: Setting "Use Wordpress HTTP API" as alternative to CURL. Disabled by default.
Fix: Formidable: Adding small JS check when adding JS_key.
Mod: layout of settings page.
Mod: Banner logic altered. |
Jan 21 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: "Settings" link returns to plugin page. |
Jan 17 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Conflict with CityTours theme.
Fix: Error for Wordperss lower 4.7.
Add: Spam protection: "Validate email for existance". |
Jan 16 2019 |
Архив |
Fix: Fast and Simple Contact Form.
Fix: Settings layout.
Fix: Error with WooCommerce Quickview.
Fix: Bitrix24 contact form.
Fix: Request time decreased.
Fix: Requesting account status when activating for IP licenses.
Add: Precise AJAX request detection.
Spam protection improved. |